I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



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mrty's News

Posted by mrty - January 17th, 2009

Disclaimer: This so called article is meant to be a joke, it is not created to offend anyone, it's written just for fun. Enjoy.

Spamming Enjoyment Syndrome (SES) is a common infectious internet disease. Mallick Roger Travis Yeller coined this name after seeing most of the people in Newgrounds enjoying spamming in a mysterious way. This disease is pretty infectious and is spread through online contact, such as chatting. The virus which causes the infection is also called "SES".

- Spamming, even though you do it only once
- Chatting with the people infected by SES
- Browsing through the internet for a long amount of time, especially NG

- Enjoying typing random phrases
- Dizziness
- Enjoying reading spam and random phrases
- Mild nausea and headache

Once the victim is infected, it is fortunately possible to cure him. Only the infected person can cure himself/herself. The only treatment is:
1- Multiply your age by 2.
2- Turn off your computer and light a candle.
3- Place the candle...
...(Desktop computers) Between your keyboard and your mouse
...(Laptop computers) In front of your laptop
4- Sit in front of the candle with your left eyebrow slightly raised (this is VERY important)
5- Close your eyes and say the following sentence as much as the result of the multiplication:
"I have a life..."

Lmao, this should be uploaded to Wikipedia xD.

P.S. "SES" means "sound" in Turkish.

Posted by mrty - January 2nd, 2009

I thought that some new features in the game might make it cool...and original, maybe.
Here are some new features i'm thinking of:
- Optional targets (extra money)
- Some button pressing sequences in the cutscenes (just like in Resident Evil 4)
- A tension meter like the one in Hitman. When you start the mission, the tension meter is green. When you shoot but miss, the tension meter turns yellow. If you shoot and miss again, the tension meter will turn red and you will fail the mission for raising alarm. However, as the time passes, the tension meter will cool down.
Green: People aren't aware of what's going on.
Yellow: People are startled, and started to get suspicious.
Red: People are completely alarmed. Mission failed.
- Secret areas (e.g. You shoot a lever, it opens a door and there is an optional target inside.)

By the way, you are right about the game being so late. High school is really tough, and I have to study. Also, i'm trying to make this game as good as possible.
Update: I made and uploaded a new banner.

Posted by mrty - January 1st, 2009

It's because, it's worthless now, as the trailer and the game will be completely different. I didn't want to fool my fans (well, if I have any). It also increased my batting average by 0,01.

Any dumbnut saying something like "lol u hav no fanz u are a fuckin idiota!!!!!!!11!1" or "I callz it bullshite u nub" will be ignored, because i don't give a fuck what you all think about me.

Posted by mrty - November 23rd, 2008

Just wanted to make a new post because the other one is a month old.

To anyone who cares:
Sniper's Contracts 2 might be released later than you all would except, because i barely find time to make it, because of school and the exams that pop out in my life every second. However, i can gurantee you that it's going to have a good storyline and better missions.

Warning: The following part of the blog contains spoilers about the first game. Don't read it if you don't want to learn it, and if you haven't finished the first game.

1- You get money when you succeed your missions. Sadly, you don't use it to buy weapons (like you all would except). Instead, you use it for many other purposes:
- Buy ammo
- Buy hints about your missions
2- Tobias is dead, so most of the plot takes place in the past (flashbacks), just like Hitman: Contracts.
3- This game will also shed more light to Jack's (Tobias's dead brother) past, set up of the sanctuary trap and many more.
4- The missions will be harder. Also, you are gonna have to cause accidents in some of the levels, rather than just shooting the target and ending the mission.
5- (NEW) There may be another mode where you choose one of the characters in the game and kill the other characters in night time, with night vision goggles.

That's all for now. I'll keep this post updated if i find some time between all the exams.

EDIT: I will release other chapters of my story Assassins soon, but not right now. Well, as soon as possible.

Posted by mrty - October 11th, 2008

Dear fans (?),
I would like to inform you that i started to work on Sniper's Contracts 2, with guranteed better graphics. It's probably coming in a several weeks, if i can actually complete it.

The sequel will explain the backstory of Tobias, the protagonist of the first game. It will be a bit harder, with limited ammo and with hopefully some better animation. I will also add shadows to the characters.

Story so far: The police discover the half-decomposed body of Tobias, who had killed himself in the first game. The police still aren't %100 sure about whether it's a suicide or a murder. As they begin to investigate the house of Tobias, the game shows various flashback with Tobias still alive and going to missions. That's where the game takes place.

Detective Elliot also states that the staff of Tobias' agency have fled and only Frank, the boss was left. However, he is so depressed and has absolutely no clue why Tobias would kill himself. So, the lack of witnesses make it a diffucult case to investigate.

There would be some changes in the story, along with twists and turns. The game would also investigate some of the backstory of Jack, Tobias' dead brother.

The game begins when Detective Elliot prints out Tobias' e-mails from his computer.

If you play this game without playing the original game, i gurantee that you won't understand anything.

Thanks to JustAnotherUser and Archon68 for giving me the ideas of making another sniper game. Also, thanks to Nuttro once again to participate in giving me ideas in the previous posts.

Update:Here's a screenshot from the first frames.

1- If you manage to shoot the target with your last bullet, you will still fail the mission because you're out of ammo. I don't know how to fix this.
2- Bullets can penetrate walls. Operation: Bloody Emerald had the same problem.

That's all for now. I hope i don't get bored again and submit the game.

Sniper's Contracts 2 finally confirmed!

Posted by mrty - October 6th, 2008

Thanks a lot to Archon68, JustAnotherUser and Nuttro, who actually gave a shit about me and posted their ideas.

Yoshidude565 and DragaXD, you didn't give me ideas on time, yet you didn't even respond to me. I hope you pay more attention next time.

Overall Result: I see that most of the people like how i'm doing the sniper games. They want me to do another one. So, i guess the next upcoming game will be another sniper game.... or will it?

Posted by mrty - October 1st, 2008

I gotta make a new game. It's been a long time. Please feel free to post your ideas here.

Noted ideas:
1- (My idea) A game about observation, to test how much you notice the details in a picture. You will be given a picture, and you have to answer the questions correctly.
2- Nuttro- Spot the difference kind of game.
3- JustAnotherUser- Another quiz game.
4- Archon68- Another sniper game with hopefully better graphics.
5- JustAnotherUser - Another sniper game.

Posted by mrty - September 24th, 2008

They connect to the internet, tell you the weather and stuff, read your mails out loud, play music, sniff objects, inform you when you receive a mail, everything...I really want one of those.

Nabaztag website.

I guess i'm gonna check the website now for more info.

Picture of a Nabaztag below.

I want one of those Nabaztags!

Posted by mrty - September 22nd, 2008

Notably, this day is far better than the Clock Day. At least flash portal isn't going to be full of shit. Off to check out the new entries!

Update: There weren't much entries. Midnight Madness was the best so far.

Update 2: Wow, Madness Regent was awesome! Tom Fulp pulled of a nice job once again.

Posted by mrty - September 12th, 2008

Just wanted to make a new post because i got bored of my old one, so here is a nice pic of Niko.

Niko Bellic!