I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 10/12/07

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mrty's News

Posted by mrty - August 30th, 2008

1- Caps comments
I swear that these people have nothing better to do.
"RUBBER DUCKY BABY BUMPERS" -doberman7 (This was actually funny)

2- Was Here comments
Alright, you were here, so what?
"darknessdweller wuz here" -darknessdweller
"Truth was here" -Truth

3- Trolling comments (These are pretty similar to caps comments, but is much
worse than them.)
Sir, you fail.

4- Spam comments
" -Tea

5- Fanboy comments (These ones actually appear in BBS)
Stop being a bitch and arguing over consoles, just play the console you like and shut up. Nice and simple.
"Halo r best, MSG r n00b" -Pretty much all the fanboys
"PS3 IZ FO N00BZ BECUZ IT DOSENT HAEV ANI GAMEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!! WII IZ DA BEST" -Wii fanboys (Thanks to ShadowWest2k7 for making this one up!)

6- Stupid Mod comments
Like everbody says, some mods can just lock some of the threads before even reading them!
(This one also belongs to BBS)
"No random this or that threads please. *lock*" -Jercurpac, in Ada or Ashley thread

7- Capitilizer comments
These people just capitilize each word for some stupid reason.
"Good Morning" -GOTHCLAWS

8- Randomizer comments
These people always say something random for some reason.
(I don't have examples this time, but i will type them as soon as i find some.)

9- BBS Asshole comments
You know these idiots lurking around BBS.
(On my way to find some examples.)

10- "1st Comment!" comments
This section is for the people who end up in a weird happiness when they write the first comment.
"1ST COMMENT Z0MG W00T!" -darknessdweller

11- Lol comments
Some people just write "lol", "lmao" etc in comments and reviews.

That's all for now. I hope this thread made you laugh at some point, and i'm gonna update the list as soon as the time permits. Have a nice day.

Edit: I forgot to say. Not all of these comments are on MY news posts, in fact, most of em are related to other people's blogs.

Posted by mrty - August 25th, 2008

Some of em post a lot of cool movies but don't make any news posts about them, some of em have a terrible habbit of using caps, some of em are just abusive trolls who pop out from nowhere, some of em lurk around BBS and call ppl names for no reason because they think they are powerful because they are at a high level, some of em think they are good artists because they have clock day submissions, some of em stop silent for ages and don't update their userpage or anything, some of em write useless reviews like "asphfdpanshpnhaffggt", and some of the girls have nothing better to do than to upload sexy pics to get the guys' attentions...

8 some of ems. Wow...

Posted by mrty - August 23rd, 2008

I don't know what to do next. I don't have a flash to submit, and i get bored of making it in 15 minutes. Even if i submit it, i end up with a "meh" score and hordes of negaive reviews about graphics. Alright, everybody, STOP reminding me that my art sucks. I already see that in every single fucking review and i'm sick of it. Quit saying that the graphics suck, ok ok ok, i'm trying to improve it. Got it?!

I just guess i'm running out of ideas. I kinda got bored of Flash. Everytime i have an idea for a good game, i get bored of it reaaally quickly. Probably because everybody keeps demotivating me about my graphics, so i don't even want to draw ANYTHING, and that isn't considered a game, it's considered a huge blank.

I need something to boost my art skills. Anybody have an idea? Otherwise i will get sick of flash and just cancel my NG account forever, i guess.

Posted by mrty - August 20th, 2008

Seriously, my flashes are no higher than 2.70 for now, except if you don't count Hitman Quiz. I mean it's a quiz game with no need of good graphics and animation. Do i make my flashes bad, or some jerks just vote 0 without watching to deposit experience quickly? Making progress in making flash, i think, will take years. My batting average is around 2.80, which is good, but i thought i would make it a lot better. I'm kinda disappointed and tired, but i won't give up. I know it's not a piece of cake.

Posted by mrty - August 19th, 2008

Jesus, i have a terrible feeling it will get blammed.

I hope you like it and vote fairly.

Update: Sheesh, it passed. With a score around 2, but i got used to it.

Posted by mrty - August 17th, 2008

That's the subject of my new movie. It's about an elder woman (which happens to be my grandma) who buys WoW and starts playing. Guess what? She is playing TOO good!

If you wonder how i had this idea, here it is. This morning, i was having breakfast with my family. My dad said one of his friends are playing WoW. My brother brought up a subject of what would happen if my grandma played WoW! He said that she would own everybody in the server (sarcasm), so much, that the makers of WoW are being forced to make an expansion pack where my grandma is blocked. We all started laughing.

My grandma's name is Vecahet (a Turkish name, so it may sound weird) (spelled Ve-ja-haet). My mom joked about my grandma's name "VecaHOT" written on the expansion pack. You will see the name of the expansion pack when the movie comes out.

That's pretty much all. I'm planning to release it tomorrow. I hope you don't blam it and go easy on me, because it will be my first movie to NG. I can gurantee you it will be funny.

Have a nice day!

Posted by mrty - August 15th, 2008

Jack woke Eric up in the midnight. "It's time to go." He said.
"Uhh, dammit." Said Eric. "Why not sleep 30 minutes more?"
"We don't wanna risk it, Eric." Responded Jack. "Even 5 hours later, the streets will be filled with people."
"And that's what i am talking about!" said Eric. "You told me that the clothing shop is not too far. If we go, rob it, return, it won't even take an hour! Aren't you the one who said we will return in no time? Plus, i'm not energetic enough to rob a clothing shop right now."
"Alright. You win." Said Jack. "Wake me up again in 4 PM. But, if we fuck up, it's your fault, not mine, ok?"
"Aaargh, just lie down and close your eyes, dammit!" replied Eric, then fell asleep very quick again.

Jack woke up and rubbed his eyes. He saw the rising sun from the window and looked at his wristwatch with terror. "Holy fucking sh-Eric, wake up! It's 6:30!!"
"What?!" Eric stood up on his bed made from blankets. "You gotta be kidding me!"
Jack gazed at Eric,
- It's all because of you!
- Me?! You are the one who forgot to wake me up!
- I am the one who always wakes you up, aren't I? You are the one who was supposed to wake me up again, do you think only of sleeping or what?
- You go rob that damn shop, because i'm not coming!
- Fine!
Jack put his mask on which he used in the bank robbery, and got some guns, then started running.
Eric started shouting, when Jack was far enough,
"I hope you get caught and have your body rotten in the damn prison you idiot!" he couldn't believe what he said after then. Jack was his best, and only friend. He just couldn't live without him. "Friendship isn't dead." He said. "Not just yet..." He put on his mask, grabbed his guns and went after Jack.

Thankfully, the streets were still uncrowded. Nearly everyone in the town were still too bothered to go out for now. Or, they were afraid of Jack and Eric.
Eric caught up with Jack quickly. Jack was hiding in the bushes, staring at LeRoy's Closet.
"Jack, it's me." Whispered Eric. "What are you looking at?"
"LeRoy's Closet is right there. I just can't assure myself it's too safe for a move. Look, LeRoy's Closet is opening at 7:00 AM. It's 6:40 right now, so we have 20 minutes. Any idea what we should do?"
"I know how to pick locks." Said Eric. "Wait here."
Eric managed to open the door quickly. He called Jack over. When they stepped inside, they heard a noisy and an annoying sound.
"Damn, it has an alarm system!" said Jack. "Pick up those costumes quickly, then run!"
They grabbed all the costumes they could find, then they heard a voice.
"Hands up!" it was the police. 2 officers had their guns pointed at Jack and Eric. They had no choice but to put their hands in the air.
"Eric...the showcases..." whispered Jack. Eric got the point.
All of a sudden, they jumped out breaking the showcases and started running in opposite directions.
"Eric, see you at the wa-our hideout!" shouted Jack. Obviously, he couldn't say warehouse near the police.

They both managed to meet at the warehouse without getting caught by the police. Costume shop robbery was successful. "Now, all we should do is to change disguises, hire a helicopter pilot and get the hell out of here."

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 13: Yet Another Robbery)

Posted by mrty - August 12th, 2008

***Sheesh, after a long break, the new chapter of Assassins is finally out!
Read chapter 11 here. You better read it before you read this, otherwise you wouldn't understand this chapter. Chapter 10 and all the previous ones are a few posts away from chapter 11. Read them too, if you want, and need.***

Jack and Eric landed in the steppe where they killed Tommy.
"Shit! Man, we are seriously fucked now! How do we go to Tokyo now?!" complained Eric.
"I don't know, Eric. But, yeah, we are fucked! We were in serious trouble already, involved in all those shootouts, god, why the fuck did we start a school shooting anyway?!"
Jack had a flashback to 15 years ago, on the day of school shooting. He remembered when Jane (the girl he had a crush on) got crushed under the school bus.
Eric poked Jack. "Hey, Jack. I think i see some detectives." It was right, police detectives were standing near the corpse of Tommy.
"Come on Eric, we better get out of here." Said Jack.
"YOU get out of here! I give up." Replied Eric.
Jack was shocked. "What...?!" he said.
"You heard me Jack, i give up. We will never going to make it. I prefer dying in prison rather than i die in Tokyo or whatever. Now i will go near the police and tell them what i have done." Said Eric.
"Eric, why do you give up hope? We will find a way to Tokyo. Don't just give up!" said Jack.
"Ok, Jack, i won't give up, but in one condition." Said Eric.
"What is that?" asked Jack.
"Promise me that all this crap, all this war will end when we kill those fuckers and take our revenge, then you will let me go to prison." Said Eric.
"I promise. Now please come with me. We need to think of a way to Tokyo." Said Jack.
"I ain't going anywhere today. I'm tired." Said Eric.
"You are right, actually. Let's go home...i mean factory. We may be able to think of a plan tomorrow."

Next morning, Jack called Eric for breakfast, to eat apples and oranges collected from the nearby trees.
Eric sat down at the table. Half asleep:
- Man, i'm tired of apples and oranges. I'm starving. I really wanna know what sushi tastes like.
- I don't like sushi, personally. Plus, we don't even know if we are gonna make it to Tokyo.
- We have to be careful. Japanese people can design some good weapons, like katanas and knifes.
- That's a good thing as well. We will need weapons there. We have enough money to buy them. We have the money both from Tommy's wallet and the dollars we stole from the bank.
- Anyway, i think we better start thinking about the Plan B. We can't go there by plane anymore. Going by ship, it's still dangerous. Going by car is the safest, but it will take ages, dammit!
- Yeah. We need patiente and shitloads of fuel. Oh, how about hiring a pilot and going by helicopter?
- You think we can trust him?
- We have no choice. But first, we need disguises.
- How? The streets are too dangerous for us to go to a shop.
- Then we are gonna have to steal it at midnight. I know a place here. It's called LeRoy's Wardrobe.
- Robbery job again? No thanks.
- This one is pretty simple. I promise we will steal them and go back in no time.
- Ah, alright. But i gurantee you, our second life in hell will be painful.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 12: Plan B)

Posted by mrty - August 9th, 2008

I'm thinking of submitting my first audio soon, using my airguitar, but i'm not sure. It will probably be a basic song called "Victory".

The other one is a flash plan. I will make a defender game setting in the sea.
The story is like this:
You are a passenger flying to Africa for holiday, until your plain crashes. You are nearly the only one who survived. You get a boat and you have to return home in 10 days (still deciding on the day count). However, it's not a piece of cake. You have to deal with sharks, piranhas, killer bees and eagles using your pistol, so will you survive?

Also, i'm working on a remake for Sniper's Contracts right now, with hopefully improved graphics and limited ammo, but i can't gurantee it's coming. In fact, it's a slight chance i will finish it anyways.

Update: I will release the new chapter of Assassins probably today.

Posted by mrty - August 9th, 2008

I'm serious, type kingofsansiro.newgrounds.com and you will see that his account got deleted. God, he was a pain in everybody's balls. Thanks Tom! (Or whoever is assigned to delete the accounts of annoying ppl.) I guess that account was fake, though.

Yay, end of KoSS!