I thought that some new features in the game might make it cool...and original, maybe.
Here are some new features i'm thinking of:
- Optional targets (extra money)
- Some button pressing sequences in the cutscenes (just like in Resident Evil 4)
- A tension meter like the one in Hitman. When you start the mission, the tension meter is green. When you shoot but miss, the tension meter turns yellow. If you shoot and miss again, the tension meter will turn red and you will fail the mission for raising alarm. However, as the time passes, the tension meter will cool down.
Green: People aren't aware of what's going on.
Yellow: People are startled, and started to get suspicious.
Red: People are completely alarmed. Mission failed.
- Secret areas (e.g. You shoot a lever, it opens a door and there is an optional target inside.)
By the way, you are right about the game being so late. High school is really tough, and I have to study. Also, i'm trying to make this game as good as possible.
Update: I made and uploaded a new banner.
I understand about the delay. The same thing is happening with my Windows Spoof. I can't wait until Sniper's 2 comes out. I have a feeling it's going to be awesome.
And how come you never PM me about your updates anymore? I used to love getting the news right away.
I WAS going to PM you, but when i saw that your best friend moved away, i decided not to bother you at least for a while, since you are having a hard time. However, i'm so glad that you are ok with getting the news. And thanks for understanding.