I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 10/12/07

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mrty's News

Posted by mrty - July 9th, 2008

Yeah, it was a nice holiday, i spent a lot of money and it was worth it!
I bought:
- Dead Rising
- Xbox 360 Wireless Device
- Some abercrombie T-shirts
- Sims 2 Castaway (PSP)
- A nice black pullover
- A book called "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"
- "Xbox 360 World" magazine
- (EDIT) 2 posters: RE4 and Hitman
That's all, i guess. I liked the restaurants and food, also. I ate beef sate, rice, hot dog from food vendors, it was great. Didn't like the ice tea, though.
Pics coming very soon!

Posted by mrty - June 27th, 2008

I'm flying to NY for 10 days tomorrow morning, which means i probably won't be able to continue writing Assassins for a short while, but i guess i can continue making Ocean Snaps on my cousin's computer, but only maybe, because we will be busy roaming around Manhattan, going to D&B's, whatever.
I'm aiming to buy Dead Rising, Burnout Paradise, 360 wireless device and maybe House of the Dead 4 when we go there.
I'm gonna make a post (i can't promise, though) when i return, about my holiday.
Have a nice day, everyone! Cya later.

Posted by mrty - June 25th, 2008

8:00 PM. The sport car stopped in front of the airport.
"Here we are," said Jack. "Take your handbag." They took their handbags and headed into the airport. It was very crowded.
"Jesus," said Eric. "Where the hell are all these people going anyway? They must be itching for a holiday."
"Well, it's summer. Of course people deserve holiday. Even us, but don't forget, we are not going there for holiday. It's for unfinished business." Said Jack.
"I know." Said Eric. "Hey Jack, are you sure that the people won't recognize us?"
"Don't worry about that, Eric." Replied Jack. "We had masks in that bank robbery, and our school shooting was 15 years ago. Of course they won't recognize us."
"Jack, don't tell me you forgot it!" complained Eric. "We also involved in a factory shootout, prison breakout, murder of Rufio, park shootout..."
"Sssh!" said Jack. "Keep it quiet! We are there."
They showed their passports and handbags, then proceeded.
"Let's go eat something. My stomach is growling." Said Jack.
"Man, we can't stay here too long, it scares the crap outa me!" complained Eric.
"Stop bitching, Eric!" said Jack. "We are gonna be ok!"
They sat down at a coffee, looking around for something to eat.
"Those cakes look tasty!" said Jack.
"Hey Jack," said Eric. "I think those two cops are approaching us."
Jack looked at where Eric pointed, and it was right.

"On my mark, Eric." Said Jack. "Run!!!"
Both flew out of their chairs and started sprinting to the waiting room.
"Get them!" yelled one of the cops.
"Jump out of the window!" shouted Jack. They broke out of the window and landed on the ground.
"Eric, we can make it, run to that plane!" yelled Jack.
"They won't recognize us, eh? You idiot..." responded Eric.
They ran to the plane, trying to evade the police that are firing their pistols.
Both burst into the plane. "Eric, hold that pilot tight and tell him to fly to Tokyo, while i try to keep em off our backs." Said Jack.
Eric did what Jack said, while Jack closed the door and blocked it with a crate.
"Come on, please, we won't survive long like this!" said the pilot. "Shut up and fly, you idiot!" said Eric.
The pilot had no choice. He drove the plane and flew it into the air.

"Phew, we did it!" said Jack.
"Heh, does this look familiar, Jack?" asked Eric. "15 years ago in a bus with Rufio, now in a plane with...uh..."
"Ethan." Said the pilot.
"Oh yeah, seems familiar, Eric!" said Jack.
"Say, Ethan," said Eric. "How long will this flight take?"
"12 hours." Said Ethan.
"Shit!" said Eric. "I just hope it will be a good flight."

"Hold it right there, hijackers!" the voice came from the back of the plane. It was another pilot. He had a baseball bat in his hands.
"Thomas! Pleae help!" said Ethan.
"We are not hijackers!" responded Eric. "We just want to fly to Tokyo, that's all!"
"I don't care what you are doing!" said Thomas. "I will crack open your skulls so say to your prayers!"
"Hey! What's that thing over there?!" yelled Jack. Thomas fell for this and looked back, while Jack charged at him. He made Thomas drop his baseball bat.
While they were fighting on the ground, Ethan headbutted Eric in the stomach and pushed him. Eric bumped his head to the window.
"Fucker!" he yelled with flames in his eyes. He punched Ethan in the face and kicked him in the balls. Then he grabbed the baseball bat and hit him in the head over and over again until both the bat and Ethan's skull were broken.
Ethan was lying on the ground, probably dead. Thomas was crawling on the ground with his nose broken. Jack stood up. "Eric..." he said. "Um...There is no one in the pilot seat. The plane will crash!!! Grab that parachute, and i will take the other!"
They took the parachutes and jumped out. The plane hit a mountain and crumbled into pieces.
"Jesus," said Jack. "3 more seconds and we were dead."

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 11: Fasten Your Seatbelt)

Posted by mrty - June 22nd, 2008

Jack was running for his life, while the SWAT units were determined not to give up the chase. Jack started to get tired, he was feeling a pain in his legs. He saw an apartment and ran to the entrance. He directly shot down the security guard in his head and broke into the elevator.
He arrived at the top floor. He dropped a smoke grenade to keep the police off his back, and broke into the room 24. He took a quick tour around the house. Thankfully, it was empty.
He got out of the window and walked carefully through a ledge, which led him to the roof.
A pity he lately admitted it was a bad move. SWAT units were now standing in front of Jack, yelling him to comply. Jack had no choice. When about to comply, Jack looked down and saw a sport car. Would he comply and go back to prison, or fall 10 metres into the car?
He chose to jump. All of a sudden, he jumped down into the car.
"Damn!" shouted the SWAT Captain. "Don't let him get away, guys!"
Jack's legs had a huge pain because of the fall, but he had no choice. The car had no keys, however, he had learned from Mike how to hotwire before. He started the car, and drove back to the bank.
Some SWAT units were still in the bank. Jack saw Eric being arrested, and Mike being carried in a bag. "Fuck!" shouted Jack. "Those goddamn mercenaries killed Mike! Anyway, they will all be dead when we go to Tokyo."
Jack had 2 teargas grenades. He threw both of them near the police cars. The SWAT units suffered from blindness for 3 minutes. After then, they barely saw a sport car disappearing with 2 guys in it.
"Thanks a lot for saving me, Jack!" said Eric. "I knew you would come. Thankfully, i'm not so badly injured and my mother is in safe hands now."
Jack: "But Mike is dead. That sucks! I will get that fucker Tommy, i swear!"

Just after the last sentence, Jack saw a man in a wheelchair, standing in the middle of the steppe. Jack stopped the car. "Tommy." Said Jack, talking to himself, "I don't care about the information you will give to us about the Japanese mansion. I prefer finding it ourselves than carrying a fucker near us."
"Oh, that's Tommy!" said Eric. "Let's kill him!"
"First things first, Eric." Said Jack. "His death should be painful. First, we will beat the crap out of him until every part of his body bleeds, then we will kill him."
They stepped out of the car and walked through the steppe. Jack tapped Tommy in the back. When Tommy turned around, Jack kicked his stomach so hard that he flew out of the wheelchair. "YOU FUCKING BUM! YOU WILL PAY FOR KILLING MY PRISON FRIENDS!" he shouted and started kicking Tommy in the face. Meanwhile, Eric picked up the wheelchair and smacked it into Tommy's back over, over and over.

Tommy was counting the stars. Jack grabbed him in the neck and started punching his stomach, yelling "YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WILL ALL DIE, YOU SICK BASTARD!" He headbutted Tommy in the face and dropped him on the ground.
Eric took out his pistol and executed Tommy. They both could see his life draining out of his body. "Wait a second," said Jack. He picked up a card from the ground. The card read,
"Japan Bounty Hunter, No. 1, Tommy Reaper"
"Christ!" said Jack. "Eric, this guy is a bounty hunter. He is not a medicated psychopath like he said. He is a hired assassin to kill us both. That's it, we are flying to Japan tonight!"
"Wow, he is a big liar." Said Eric. "By the way, i forgot to pick up the money in the bank, but i have an idea. Since this guy is an assassin, he should have a lot of money. Let's check his wallet."
"Good idea." Said Jack. He picked up Tommy's wallet. There was 1,000 dollars in it. He took 500 dollars and gave the rest to Eric. "Sweet!" said Eric. "We can also use this money to buy guns." They got back to the car and drove back to the factory, leaving the steppe in a bloodbath.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 10: SWAT Chase)

Posted by mrty - June 20th, 2008

The thread i made about the virus.
Yeah, i called a repairman and he said my computer should be formatted, and thankfully, he copied all my files (including flashwork) into a CD, got rid of the virus, then brought my computer back. Now i can carry on making Ocean Snaps, my next game.

Finally got my computer to work!

Posted by mrty - June 18th, 2008

Posted by mrty - June 13th, 2008

Thanks to my friend ShadowWest2k7 for informing me about it. Yeah, we were talking over MSN and i was complaining because i had to go to America (I live in Turkey, 10 hours in that plane) in order to play House of the Dead 4 on arcades, and that could only happen once a year. Then he told me that the game is coming on 360, and i was just happy about it! I hope a lightgun also comes out. I can't wait for it to be released!

House of the Dead 4 is finally coming on 360!

Posted by mrty - June 12th, 2008

It was the day to rob the Piggy Bank. Jack and Eric were putting on their masks. Mike approached and asked: "I forgot to ask something. What will we do about Tommy?"
"Don't worry." Said Jack, "Eric and i tied him very well and locked him in the toilet."
"Good! Oh, if we go with the bulldozer, we can draw attention. Let's walk. It's only a few miles away." Mike said. "I remember that bank." Said Eric. "I remember my mother going there."
Jack and Eric stared at eachother, in sorrow. Would their parents ever forgive them?
"Ahem!" said Mike, "Ready to go?"
They replied, trying to forget the sorrow, "Yes!"

The 3 criminals stopped in front of the Piggy Bank. "Here we are." Mike said. "Let's get this plan straight once more. You two burst into the bank, pointing your guns at the people and threating them, while i make my way to the vault, crack the safe, take the money and come back. You know the rest, already." "Got it!" said Jack. "What's the matter with you Eric? You are shivering like in the middle of the North Pole."
"Look guys," said Eric. "I'm just not sure about it. What if we get caught? I don't want to go back to that stinking prison!"
"Calm down, Eric!" said Jack. "We shot up the whole school! Besides, that was 15 years ago. Why not just rob a simple bank?"
"Jack is right," Mike said. "The safecracking will only take up to 5 minutes, i promise. Now let's get in there and get the job done."
Mike started running around the bank, trying to find a safe entrance. Meanwhile, Jack and Eric burst into the bank with their machine guns drawn.
"Hands up, all of you!" yelled Jack. "Yeah!" shouted Eric. "You will be our guests for a while!"
"Eric? No...God no..."
It was an elder woman. Eric turned to him. "MOTHER!"
Jack was shocked. Eric ran to him. "Mother! Thank god, finally..."
"Don't get close to me!" yelled his mother. "God...Why did you do this to me?! My son first involved in a school shooting, now in a bank robbery..." she was in the verge of fainting.
"Mother! Are you alright?" Eric asked. "Don't worry! I'm not a criminal anymore. Here, i drop my gun."
"Eric!" shouted Jack. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
Eric dropped his gun. "Shut up, Jack! It's not YOUR mother standing there. I give up."
"Eric!" yelled his mother. "If you think i will forgive you by doing that, i won't! You already lost your chance!"
"You heard her, Eric!" said Jack. "Aah, where the hell is this Mike?"
Suddenly, a bunch of mercenaries burst into the bank with Tommy in behind them in a wheelchair.
"Tommy?!" yelled Jack. "How the hell did you escape?"
"Aaah, my men of course." Said Tommy. "They never forget me. I already said your powers are no match for me. Now let's see if you can survive this time!" he had an evil laugh.
Mike showed up at the back with the money briefcase. "Hey guys, it took some time but...what the fuck?!"
Eric's mother fainted. "Mother!" shouted Eric, running to her. Taking advantage of this, one of the mercenaries shot Eric in the back. Eric rolled on the floor. Another one shot Mike.
Jack took cover in the back of the wall. "Fuckers!!!" he shouted and threw a grenade. When it exploded, 2 dead bodies of the mercenaries flew in the air.
Jack was enraged. He kept shooting the mercenaries, but there was a lot more.
SWAT units arrived after a few seconds. There was a lot of them and made the mercenaries drop their weapons and comply. However, Jack wasn't going to give up that easily. He sprinted to the fire exit. SWAT units spotted him and ran after him.

Jack took the fire exit and got out. What happened to Tommy? Are Eric and Mike dead? Will Jack succeed on running away and hiding from the SWAT units?

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 9: Piggy Bank Incident)

Posted by mrty - June 11th, 2008

Jack, Eric and Lion King were back to the factory.
Jack: "We got away with Lion King alive! Let's keep it up."
Eric: "Yeah but how about the others? We left them to die!"
Jack: "Don't worry! Those guys cleared the whole prison yard, why not shoot some enemy snipers with ease?"
Eric: "I don't know, Jack. I worry about your prison friends."
Jack: "Look, if some people are sentenced to 20 years in prison like me, it means they are some good criminals. They can survive. Let's just hope the best and learn about our lion friend."
Eric tied Lion King to a chair, while Jack was busy removing the mask. The person behind the mask had brown hair and dark eyes. He also had a scar running down his nose.
Jack started talking:
- Now who the hell are you?
- My name is: Fuck You!
Jack threw a punch and asked again.
- My name is Tommy Reaper. My friends call me "Tommygun" or "Grim Reaper".
- Why were you watching us for years?
- Because i'm a medicated stalker who enjoys tracking down people. I remember my painful childhood. My mom was dead. My dad was a psychopath like me who spanked me everyday. He made me go to bed at 8:00 PM. I was forced to eat olive and cheese every morning, even though i hated them.
- Tragic. What i couldn't understand is: Why did you choose to be our enemy instead of teaming up with us?
- Heh! I have better things to do. Your powers are no match for me!
- No match for you, eh?! Your two "tough" bodyguards were dead fishes swimming in the pool, we fucked your ass so bad that you couldn't move, your snipers are probably toast right now, and you still think you are more powerful than us?!

The factory door opened. It was Mike. "Jack! Eric! They...our friends...are all dead..."
"What?!" shouted Eric. Jack was speechless.
"Yeah." Continued Mike, "Damien and all of our friendly snipers were dead already. Things were not bad until the cops arrived. The two survivor enemy snipers killed Frank and Sean, then ran away. I managed to run away, too, but it was a narrow escape."
Jack charged to Tommy and punched his nose with all of his power, then grabbed him in the neck, "Where did they go?! You're gonna help me! Where is your HQ?"
Tommy muttered with his nose bleeding, "We came from Tokyo. We stay in a Japanese mansion. They probably went there. But i'm not so sure."
Jack took a look at Eric. "It's worth trying. Even if we don't find those fuckers, i'm pretty sure there are some more of them working for Tommy. Tommy will come with us, too."
Eric: "What if he does something stupid?"
Jack turned to Tommy, "Don't worry. He will be alone in this mission with no weapons."
Mike said, "Do you think we have the money for the flight?"
"Shit!" said Eric. "Never thought of that. What are we gonna do, then?"
"Hey, no worries!" said Mike. "I used to be a safecracker and that was why i got arrested. We will rob the nearest bank, take the money, buy a ticket, fly to Tokyo, and take revenge."
Jack and Eric looked at eachother. Jack said, "Nice. We will rob the bank tomorrow."

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 8: Interrogation)

Posted by mrty - June 9th, 2008

00:00 PM. The bulldozer stopped in front of The Green Park. Everybody got off. Jack turned to the soldiers: "Don't forget what we planned. Eric and I will do the talking. Mike, Frank, Damien and Sean will stand behind us with guns. You will cover the park in those bushes and provide sniper support if that mysterious man tries to do something stupid. Ok?"
"Understood, boss!" said the soldiers. They ran to the bushes with their rifles. The rest of them started walking into the middle of the park. Jack could see Eric shivering. "Don't worry Eric, everything is gonna be fine." Said Jack. "No, no, i'm shivering because of the cold." Answered Eric. Jack took a look at Eric, "It's June, but whatever. Let's get this job done."
The mysterious man was wearing a trenchcoat and a lion mask. He was standing in front of the pool, with his 2 huge bodyguards behind him. "Aaah, i was excepting you." He said. "Who are you?" said Jack.
"I won't reveal my name for you, but you can call me Lion King." He said. "You are probably wondering why i called you here. I know you, shooters. I witnessed your school shooting. I was the one who called the police. Not Rufio, you idiot Jack."
"What?!" shouted Jack. He was in shock. He had killed somebody for no reason.
"So," Lion King continued, "I was watching you since you were 14. I was watching all of your actions. You survived each one, but this is the end of the road."
"You wanna know something?" said Eric. "If you watched all those films featuring mafias, the mafias kill the men which witness their crimes. So, if someone will die tonight, it should be you, not us!"
Lion King had a laugh. "No, my boy, i have snipers covered the area. I just wanted you to know the truth before you die. Now my bodyguards shall execute you. Also, the snipers are ready and will shoot you if you even draw your guns."
It was Jack's turn to have a laugh, but not as loud as Lion King's. "Well we have snipers, too! Also, a good shooter Eric standing near me, my prison friends standing right behind me, so i just wish you go to hell when you die."
"What?! Now this means war. Snipers and bodyguards, be ready!" said Lion King.
Before the guards could even draw their guns, they were shot in the head and dropped in the pool. A shootout between the snipers began, shooting eachother and forgetting about the rest.
Taking advantage of this distraction, Jack yelled "Eric! His leg!" They both drew their guns and shot Lion King's legs, because they needed him alive for interrogation.
The Lion King was lying on the grass, shouting in pain. "I'll hold his arms, and you hold his legs. Let's carry him out!"
They quickly carried Lion King out, while Jack's prison friends were concentrated on assisting the friendly snipers and killing the enemies.
Eric tied Lion King and threw him in the bulldozer while Jack got on. They forgot their friends, they just thought of getting out before the cops arrive.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 7: Meeting)