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mrty's News

Posted by mrty - June 6th, 2008

NOTE: Yeah, it's been a while since chapter 5. Please check the other chapters before reading this. I hope you take the time and read this long story.

Jack looked at Eric with a smile on his face. "Eric...You are alive!" Two friends hugged eachother.
Jack: "I thought you were dead!"
Eric: "Heh, i don't die that easily."
Jack: "No doubt."
Eric: "OK, maybe its the time to explain how i survived in that factory shootout.
I woke up in a hospital. There was a pain in my shoulder, and my chest. I didn't have the energy to speak, though. So i closed my eyes again. I stayed in the hospital for like 2 weeks, then they took me to a prison. It was one hell of a boredom.
14 years later, when it was my last day at prison, i heard some other prisoners talking about you. They must have heard which prison you were in. That's how i learned your location. When they speared me, i spent a year finding the money, hiring these soldiers, and stealing this truck. Man, it was one hell of a pain!"
Jack: "I see. I don't know how i can thank you, but let's just get out of here before the cops and marines arrive."
Jack, Eric, Steve, Frank, Mike, and Damien got on the bulldozer with the other soldiers. They decided to return to the abandoned factory and see if it's still under police protection.

Near a harbor, Jack told Eric to stop the bulldozer. It was a toilet break. He started pissing into the grass. Suddenly, he was shocked by seeing someone in front of a ship, smoking.
"Eric," said Jack. "Come with me." "Why?" asked Eric. "Don't ask me any questions. Just follow me." said Jack. Eric followed him to an old captain.
"Who is he?" whispered Eric. Jack ignored him, approaching the captain. "Hi, Mr! How is it going?"
Captain took a look at Jack. "Well, i'm fine. How about you?" "Fine." said Jack. "Say, what happened to the buses?" Captain looked at Jack, puzzled. "How do you know that i used to be a bus driver?"
Jack drew his gun. "Long time no see, Rufio!" Eric and Rufio were shocked. "You will pay for calling the police, you geezer!" Jack shot Rufio to death, dropping him into the sea.
As the sea's color started turning to red, Jack headed back to the bulldozer. "What a brutal way to kill. Rufio deserved that, though." thought Eric.
"Who was that?" everybody started asking. "An enemy from the past. I will explain it later. We have to return to that factory first."
It took until 8:00 PM to arrive there. Jack and Eric carefully got into the factory while the others were waiting outside. It was completely empty except the crates and a piece of paper.
"Hey, check this out." said Jack. It was an anonymus letter. It read:

"Dear two school shooters,
I know who you are. I know what you have done. I even know you escaped the prison. Of course you want to know who i am. Meet me in The Green Park at the midnight, i have some more to explain to you. If you refuse to come, i know where you are, so i will come and find you anyway."

"Looks like we are in serious trouble." said Eric.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 6: Familiar Faces)

Posted by mrty - June 2nd, 2008

Bought it today. It's an awesome book. Did you know that Street Fighter was the first game to use combos? And did you know that Resident Evil 4's development began in 1998 and ended in 2005? Every gamer should buy it! Here is the cover of the book:

Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2008

Posted by mrty - May 28th, 2008

I beat it 3 times already, but it's still very fun and addictive! Btw, Ada Wong is hot!

Playing RE4

Posted by mrty - May 28th, 2008

I knew it! NG's biggest "supervillain" of all time is no more! Hooraaay!
Time to celebrate this! Post all your feelings about this in the comments!

Betty's account got deleted!

Posted by mrty - May 26th, 2008

After giving "How I Became a God" and my story "Assassins" a break, there is a new game in works which i don't think will take much time to finish. The game is similar to Pokémon Snap, but much different. The game is based on underwater photography. You take the role of a professional underwater photographer and take pictures of animals. Here are some rules that i thought of:

1- You gain money when you photograph the fishes.
2- The bigger and more dangerous fish you photograph, more money you get.
3- If you just take the picture of an animal's tail, you will gain much less money.
4- Some sharks will attack you and you will have to dodge them by pressing keys.

I wish i could add an upgrading feature, using the money you gain, but i don't think i can make it. For example, making your camera bigger for better photos or something...I will work on it.

Posted by mrty - May 20th, 2008

Jack was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He knew there wasn't a way out of the prison. It was like a concentration camp to him. The others were always beating him up in free time, and his parents always hung up the phone when Jack tried to speak to them. The food that was being served to them was always cold. Maybe the worst, he was feeling terrible because Eric died.

15 long years passed. Jack was a 29 years old adult. He had to wait only 5 years for being freed. At least the people weren't beating him up anymore. But no...He couldn't take it anymore. He had made some friends called Mike, Frank, Damien and Sean. He decided to plan a breakout with them. It was time to end the torture.

That day, Jack gathered his four friends. He started to explain "Look, we have been good friends for 15 years. I bet you are thinking the same thing as i do. If you want to break out of this place, then we will break out tonight, because i have a good plan. Who comes with me?"
Mike: "That's suicide, man! They will probably send us to death row this time if they catch us again!"
Damien: "Oh don't be silly Mike! I want to get out of this place, we could at least give it a try? Count me in!"
Frank: "Damien is right! It's time to get out. Count me in, too!"
Sean: "I'm coming, too!"
Mike: "I don't know...It's too dangerous, but OK, i'm coming too."
Jack: "Good!" he lowered his voice. "Here is the plan: I didn't actually think how, but we will sneak into the armory, get some guns, shoot up everybody that tries to ruin our plan, then escape by climbing up those vines."
Frank: "Too dangerous, especially that shooting part. And how are we supposed to get in the armory? It's very well guarded."
Mike: "I told you guys..."
Jack: "Do you have a better plan, Mike?"

Suddenly, a big banging came from the gates. Roarings of a truck filled the prison garden. The gates were broken.
Mike: "What the fuck is going on?"
Frank: "You know, i sense it's a good thing for us."
Sean: "I know what you mean!"
Jack: "Everybody to the gates!"

The gates were not so far away, but it was hard to get there in this chaos. Without thinking of these, they rushed to the gates in the will of freedom.
The man in the truck and his gang were pretty well armed, also skilled. They were killing every police moving. Jack and his gang picked up the guns of the dead guards and started shooting the other guards. After a serious gunfight, the prison yard was finally all clear.

Jack and the others started running to the truck. One of the guards got up and shot Jack in the shoulder. "Jack!" shouted the driver in the truck. He shot the guard in the head, shouting "You motherfucker!"
Jack's eyes suddenly opened. Those words were familiar. He suddenly had a flashback to the shootout in the factory where Eric got shot.
Jack stood up, looking at the driver. "Are you OK, Jack?" asked the driver.
Jack smiled. "Eric?"

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 5: Sentence and Breakout)

Posted by mrty - May 19th, 2008

The stairs led to an abandoned factory.
Jack: "Wow, finally a place where we can breathe, at least."
Eric: "Here we go again..."
They both looked around. It was very large. However, it had a bad smell, and they doubted they could find some food.

Jack: "At least we are safe in here for now."
Eric: "Looks like that cabin was a part of factory, but why would they use it, and why so far away from the factory?"
Jack: "Hey...did you just notice something? We can't stay in here! The police have seen the trapdoor and they are coming after us right now!"
Eric: "Don't worry, i pushed the bed to it's normal position while you were rushing down the stairs."
Jack tried to calm himself down by thinking "Who would figure out there is a trapdoor under Eric's bed?"
They set up themselves 2 beds made from blankets at that night. It was finally time to have some rest after the long rush.

Jack woke Eric up at the midnight. "Hey, Eric, wake up!"
Eric opened his eyes, half asleep. "Uhhh, what?"
Jack: "Did you just hear that?"
Eric: "Did i just heard what?"
Suddenly, the trapdoor blast opened and tons of police flushed into the factory.
"Take cover behind those crates!" shouted Jack. They both grabbed their guns and ran to the crates. However, Eric was not fast enough and was shot in the shoulder.
"Awww fuuuck!" he shouted. "You motherfuckers..."
A shootout began. There were six policemen and they were pretty well armed. Jack was shooting behind the crates and was trying to do his best, but Eric already gave up hope.
"Come on, Eric! Waste those guys!" shouted Jack. Suddenly an enraged Eric stood up and killed two policemen with bullets in the head, while Jack killed two more.
The remaining police was shot by Eric in the chest. He shot Eric in his last seconds, then died.
"ERIC!" shouted Jack. He ran to Eric, trying to hold the tears back. But it was too late.

Jack crawled on the floor, crying "Eric, don't die...Pleaaseee..."
While Jack was in a serious trauma, another group of police approached to Jack and handcuffed him.
The others carried Eric to an ambulance.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 4: Shootout)

Posted by mrty - May 18th, 2008

Jack was sitting in the cabin. Eric woke up.
Eric: "Man, what the fuck was that for?!"
Jack: "Well, since we consider you always ruining my plans and always trying to change my mind, i just made a preventation, that's all."
Eric: "You fucking idiot! Go to freaking hell! My head is banging right now!"
Jack: "Relax, Eric! If you have a headache, just have some rest instead of bitching!"
Eric: "Wait a minute...What did you do while i was lying here?"
Jack: "Just sent Rufio to ask my parents if they are OK."

Eric stood up suddenly. "What?!" he shouted. "You piece of crap! I can't believe you! He's gonna call the police! Jesus, did you really think that he's gonna do what you said?"

Jack charged to Eric, grabbed his collar, and pointed his gun to Eric's head. "You really pissed me off this time. Why don't you just die and let me relax for some time?"
Eric: "Are you out of your mind? Get that gun out of my face! Can't you understand, we will both end up in the jail just because of a seriously big mistake you made!"

Eric was stunned. "Hey...You hear that?" Jack approached to the door. "Guess so...It's a police car."
Eric was enraged. "Just because of you! Now we are finished, and just because of you! Son of a bitch!"

Jack grabbed Eric and pushed him towards the wall. Eric bumped his head and fell down. "Hey...Jack...There is a trapdoor under my bed!" "I hope you are not joking." said Jack. They pushed the bed to the wall, grabbed their equipment and rushed down the stairs of the trapdoor.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chaper 3: Big Mistake)

Posted by mrty - May 18th, 2008

Eric told the bus driver to stop when they arrived at a forest. "So that's where we will hide." Said Jack. "Only a small wooden cabin?" he complained. "What did you except, a villa?" said Eric. "Well, it could have at least been a bungalow or something. We can't breathe in this thing!" said Jack. Eric sighed.

"Oh by the way, whats your name, bus driver?" asked Eric. "R...Rufio" said bus driver. Eric tied Rufio with ropes and threw him to the ground with the help of Jack. "You stay here in the bus, Rufio. We may need you later." They hopped down the bus and entered the cabin.

"Again, it's too small man." Said Jack. Eric grabbed Jack's shirt. "Listen, why don't you just shut the fuck up and stay somewhere else?" "Get your fat hands off me!" shouted Jack. He pushed Eric. "OK, i will stay here now. Next time, i will be the one which decides the hiding location!" said Jack. "Next time?!" shouted Eric. "The fucking cops are searching all over for us, they are maybe even too close to our hiding place, they probably noted down the license plate of the bus, our parents maybe died because of a heart attack when they saw us on TV..." Jack stopped breathing when he heard the last sentence. Eric continued: "...And you are talking about a next time! Are you an idiot?!"

"No...that can't be...no..." Jack sat down, sweating like a pig. "They will find us. Our parents will spit on our faces in jail...No..." Jack charged to the door. "Wait? What are you doing?" asked Eric. Jack grabbed his pistol and hit Eric in the forehead. While Eric was unconscious, Jack got into the bus and untied Rufio. "Take this address!" said Jack. He gave Rufio the address of his house written on a piece of paper. "Ask my parents if they are OK and tell them that i still love them!" he said. He got off the bus. While Rufio was driving the bus away, Jack sensed that something was going wrong.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 2: Hiding)

Posted by mrty - May 17th, 2008

The exams were over in The Best College. That day was the final day of the school year. There was a celebration in the school garden. Cakes, cokes, singing...
Jack: "Did you bring em, Eric?"
Eric: "Yes."
Jack: "Today is the day to end this. I don't want to fuck up."
Eric: "Me, too! I'm not graduating this school without getting back at those motherfuckers."

Jack and Eric were the primary targets of bullying. Jack was a nerd, and Eric was fat and dirty. The whole year was a pain for them. But that day was to end the pain.

Jack and Eric climbed to the roof of the building. They could see every student from there.
Jack: "What do you have?"
Eric: "Two sniper rifles, two pistols and two knives."
Jack: "Good. Now share them with me."

Eric had access to the weapons, because his father was a police. He gave Jack a rifle, a pistol and a knife.
Jack: "A kitchen knife?"
Eric: "Yeah?"
Jack: "I would prefer if it was a combat knife."
Eric: "Oh come on man, my father is not an assassin."
Jack: "Soon we will be assassins. Now pick up that rifle and shoot those rich, spoiled fuckers."

They both aimed to the students and POW! One was down with a headshot. POW! another one. The whole garden was full of screams and shrieks. POW! the principal was down.
Jack: "They are running away. It's hard to shoot em now."
Eric: "How about running them down with school buses?"
Jack: "Hell yeah!"

The two shooters also shot the security guards.
Jack: "There is too many of em, come on! The garage is this way."
Eric: "Ok."
They also shot some students. Jack was very happy that he shot Michael, his bully and the most popular and rich kid. Eric was pleasured to shoot Mr.Mould, the maths teacher.

They saw the bus driver begging them not to shoot him. Eric took the driver as human shield and forced him to drive the bus. They ran down four security guards, ten teachers and nearly fifty students. Jack shot the last two survivors, and the mission was over.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 1: Red school)