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Assassins (Chapter 7: Meeting)

Posted by mrty - June 9th, 2008

00:00 PM. The bulldozer stopped in front of The Green Park. Everybody got off. Jack turned to the soldiers: "Don't forget what we planned. Eric and I will do the talking. Mike, Frank, Damien and Sean will stand behind us with guns. You will cover the park in those bushes and provide sniper support if that mysterious man tries to do something stupid. Ok?"
"Understood, boss!" said the soldiers. They ran to the bushes with their rifles. The rest of them started walking into the middle of the park. Jack could see Eric shivering. "Don't worry Eric, everything is gonna be fine." Said Jack. "No, no, i'm shivering because of the cold." Answered Eric. Jack took a look at Eric, "It's June, but whatever. Let's get this job done."
The mysterious man was wearing a trenchcoat and a lion mask. He was standing in front of the pool, with his 2 huge bodyguards behind him. "Aaah, i was excepting you." He said. "Who are you?" said Jack.
"I won't reveal my name for you, but you can call me Lion King." He said. "You are probably wondering why i called you here. I know you, shooters. I witnessed your school shooting. I was the one who called the police. Not Rufio, you idiot Jack."
"What?!" shouted Jack. He was in shock. He had killed somebody for no reason.
"So," Lion King continued, "I was watching you since you were 14. I was watching all of your actions. You survived each one, but this is the end of the road."
"You wanna know something?" said Eric. "If you watched all those films featuring mafias, the mafias kill the men which witness their crimes. So, if someone will die tonight, it should be you, not us!"
Lion King had a laugh. "No, my boy, i have snipers covered the area. I just wanted you to know the truth before you die. Now my bodyguards shall execute you. Also, the snipers are ready and will shoot you if you even draw your guns."
It was Jack's turn to have a laugh, but not as loud as Lion King's. "Well we have snipers, too! Also, a good shooter Eric standing near me, my prison friends standing right behind me, so i just wish you go to hell when you die."
"What?! Now this means war. Snipers and bodyguards, be ready!" said Lion King.
Before the guards could even draw their guns, they were shot in the head and dropped in the pool. A shootout between the snipers began, shooting eachother and forgetting about the rest.
Taking advantage of this distraction, Jack yelled "Eric! His leg!" They both drew their guns and shot Lion King's legs, because they needed him alive for interrogation.
The Lion King was lying on the grass, shouting in pain. "I'll hold his arms, and you hold his legs. Let's carry him out!"
They quickly carried Lion King out, while Jack's prison friends were concentrated on assisting the friendly snipers and killing the enemies.
Eric tied Lion King and threw him in the bulldozer while Jack got on. They forgot their friends, they just thought of getting out before the cops arrive.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 7: Meeting)


I think I need to read the previous ones first Oo

Haha yeah.

So where in turkey do you live? Also great story, I suck at them >.<

Thanks! Did you read the previous chapters, too?

Yea I read here and there, since i read right before school

Ok. Thanks for taking the time, and i hope you enjoyed it!

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