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Assassins (Chapter 9: Piggy Bank Incident)

Posted by mrty - June 12th, 2008

It was the day to rob the Piggy Bank. Jack and Eric were putting on their masks. Mike approached and asked: "I forgot to ask something. What will we do about Tommy?"
"Don't worry." Said Jack, "Eric and i tied him very well and locked him in the toilet."
"Good! Oh, if we go with the bulldozer, we can draw attention. Let's walk. It's only a few miles away." Mike said. "I remember that bank." Said Eric. "I remember my mother going there."
Jack and Eric stared at eachother, in sorrow. Would their parents ever forgive them?
"Ahem!" said Mike, "Ready to go?"
They replied, trying to forget the sorrow, "Yes!"

The 3 criminals stopped in front of the Piggy Bank. "Here we are." Mike said. "Let's get this plan straight once more. You two burst into the bank, pointing your guns at the people and threating them, while i make my way to the vault, crack the safe, take the money and come back. You know the rest, already." "Got it!" said Jack. "What's the matter with you Eric? You are shivering like in the middle of the North Pole."
"Look guys," said Eric. "I'm just not sure about it. What if we get caught? I don't want to go back to that stinking prison!"
"Calm down, Eric!" said Jack. "We shot up the whole school! Besides, that was 15 years ago. Why not just rob a simple bank?"
"Jack is right," Mike said. "The safecracking will only take up to 5 minutes, i promise. Now let's get in there and get the job done."
Mike started running around the bank, trying to find a safe entrance. Meanwhile, Jack and Eric burst into the bank with their machine guns drawn.
"Hands up, all of you!" yelled Jack. "Yeah!" shouted Eric. "You will be our guests for a while!"
"Eric? No...God no..."
It was an elder woman. Eric turned to him. "MOTHER!"
Jack was shocked. Eric ran to him. "Mother! Thank god, finally..."
"Don't get close to me!" yelled his mother. "God...Why did you do this to me?! My son first involved in a school shooting, now in a bank robbery..." she was in the verge of fainting.
"Mother! Are you alright?" Eric asked. "Don't worry! I'm not a criminal anymore. Here, i drop my gun."
"Eric!" shouted Jack. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
Eric dropped his gun. "Shut up, Jack! It's not YOUR mother standing there. I give up."
"Eric!" yelled his mother. "If you think i will forgive you by doing that, i won't! You already lost your chance!"
"You heard her, Eric!" said Jack. "Aah, where the hell is this Mike?"
Suddenly, a bunch of mercenaries burst into the bank with Tommy in behind them in a wheelchair.
"Tommy?!" yelled Jack. "How the hell did you escape?"
"Aaah, my men of course." Said Tommy. "They never forget me. I already said your powers are no match for me. Now let's see if you can survive this time!" he had an evil laugh.
Mike showed up at the back with the money briefcase. "Hey guys, it took some time but...what the fuck?!"
Eric's mother fainted. "Mother!" shouted Eric, running to her. Taking advantage of this, one of the mercenaries shot Eric in the back. Eric rolled on the floor. Another one shot Mike.
Jack took cover in the back of the wall. "Fuckers!!!" he shouted and threw a grenade. When it exploded, 2 dead bodies of the mercenaries flew in the air.
Jack was enraged. He kept shooting the mercenaries, but there was a lot more.
SWAT units arrived after a few seconds. There was a lot of them and made the mercenaries drop their weapons and comply. However, Jack wasn't going to give up that easily. He sprinted to the fire exit. SWAT units spotted him and ran after him.

Jack took the fire exit and got out. What happened to Tommy? Are Eric and Mike dead? Will Jack succeed on running away and hiding from the SWAT units?

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 9: Piggy Bank Incident)


