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Assassins (Chapter 13: Yet Another Robbery)

Posted by mrty - August 15th, 2008

Jack woke Eric up in the midnight. "It's time to go." He said.
"Uhh, dammit." Said Eric. "Why not sleep 30 minutes more?"
"We don't wanna risk it, Eric." Responded Jack. "Even 5 hours later, the streets will be filled with people."
"And that's what i am talking about!" said Eric. "You told me that the clothing shop is not too far. If we go, rob it, return, it won't even take an hour! Aren't you the one who said we will return in no time? Plus, i'm not energetic enough to rob a clothing shop right now."
"Alright. You win." Said Jack. "Wake me up again in 4 PM. But, if we fuck up, it's your fault, not mine, ok?"
"Aaargh, just lie down and close your eyes, dammit!" replied Eric, then fell asleep very quick again.

Jack woke up and rubbed his eyes. He saw the rising sun from the window and looked at his wristwatch with terror. "Holy fucking sh-Eric, wake up! It's 6:30!!"
"What?!" Eric stood up on his bed made from blankets. "You gotta be kidding me!"
Jack gazed at Eric,
- It's all because of you!
- Me?! You are the one who forgot to wake me up!
- I am the one who always wakes you up, aren't I? You are the one who was supposed to wake me up again, do you think only of sleeping or what?
- You go rob that damn shop, because i'm not coming!
- Fine!
Jack put his mask on which he used in the bank robbery, and got some guns, then started running.
Eric started shouting, when Jack was far enough,
"I hope you get caught and have your body rotten in the damn prison you idiot!" he couldn't believe what he said after then. Jack was his best, and only friend. He just couldn't live without him. "Friendship isn't dead." He said. "Not just yet..." He put on his mask, grabbed his guns and went after Jack.

Thankfully, the streets were still uncrowded. Nearly everyone in the town were still too bothered to go out for now. Or, they were afraid of Jack and Eric.
Eric caught up with Jack quickly. Jack was hiding in the bushes, staring at LeRoy's Closet.
"Jack, it's me." Whispered Eric. "What are you looking at?"
"LeRoy's Closet is right there. I just can't assure myself it's too safe for a move. Look, LeRoy's Closet is opening at 7:00 AM. It's 6:40 right now, so we have 20 minutes. Any idea what we should do?"
"I know how to pick locks." Said Eric. "Wait here."
Eric managed to open the door quickly. He called Jack over. When they stepped inside, they heard a noisy and an annoying sound.
"Damn, it has an alarm system!" said Jack. "Pick up those costumes quickly, then run!"
They grabbed all the costumes they could find, then they heard a voice.
"Hands up!" it was the police. 2 officers had their guns pointed at Jack and Eric. They had no choice but to put their hands in the air.
"Eric...the showcases..." whispered Jack. Eric got the point.
All of a sudden, they jumped out breaking the showcases and started running in opposite directions.
"Eric, see you at the wa-our hideout!" shouted Jack. Obviously, he couldn't say warehouse near the police.

They both managed to meet at the warehouse without getting caught by the police. Costume shop robbery was successful. "Now, all we should do is to change disguises, hire a helicopter pilot and get the hell out of here."

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 13: Yet Another Robbery)


Awsome! i really like the tension you put at the end!

Haha, i didn't know that, thanks!