That's the subject of my new movie. It's about an elder woman (which happens to be my grandma) who buys WoW and starts playing. Guess what? She is playing TOO good!
If you wonder how i had this idea, here it is. This morning, i was having breakfast with my family. My dad said one of his friends are playing WoW. My brother brought up a subject of what would happen if my grandma played WoW! He said that she would own everybody in the server (sarcasm), so much, that the makers of WoW are being forced to make an expansion pack where my grandma is blocked. We all started laughing.
My grandma's name is Vecahet (a Turkish name, so it may sound weird) (spelled Ve-ja-haet). My mom joked about my grandma's name "VecaHOT" written on the expansion pack. You will see the name of the expansion pack when the movie comes out.
That's pretty much all. I'm planning to release it tomorrow. I hope you don't blam it and go easy on me, because it will be my first movie to NG. I can gurantee you it will be funny.
Have a nice day!
sounds peculiar
In a good way? (I looked in a dictionary to learn what peculiar means, and it's written extraordinary.)