I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



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mrty's News

Posted by mrty - June 15th, 2009

Update: You guys are right, dark red is the best.

When I first thought about the idea of Tobias wearing a tie, I thought it would be red. Then, however, I changed my mind, because it's kinda overdone of assassins wearing red ties, so I decided it would be emerald coloured. Then again, I could really use your opinions, so don't be shy to post it here if you have an idea.

Votes seem to be:
1 cum white
3 red
1 black

Posted by mrty - June 7th, 2009

Update (10/06/2009): I tried it on pro, and couldn't get past the first time you meet Dr. Salvador, no matter how much times I tried it. So, I restarted on normal, and right now I'm at the castle right after that goddamn water room.

At first I had trouble finding it, until I realized it was at my maid's house. She will hopefully bring it tomorrow.

So I'm restarting RE4, why, because it's far more fun than RE5. The story, gameplay, a lot of things are better in RE4. I like RE5 too, but it somehow didn't get me addicted as much as RE4. This time I'll try to beat it on pro, I've beaten the game 4 times and never tried pro. Shouldn't be that hard.

Tomorrow, when I start playing the game, I will update this post.

By the way, damn, I never get to finish a campaign (online) in Left 4 Dead! We always die in the finale level, mainly because nobody sticks together, but I don't really blame them, as last time I got dragged to the other side of the roof by a smoker, a tank incapitated (how do you spell that?) Francis, and the other two? God knows what happened to them. I find it hard to believe that finishing campaigns is much easier while playing offline.

Posted by mrty - June 1st, 2009

Update 2: I deleted the game, I just couldn't fucking stand all that wait! Bottom line is, I made my subscription, so I want to play the game, goddammit!

Update 1: Enough is enough! It keeps installing patches after patches after patches and I'm fucking sick of it! How many motherfucking patches are there anyway?! Maybe I should just take a shit on the CD then throw it in the fire and get this all over with!!!

I have bought the CD many weeks ago but only yesterday I decided to install and play it. I made my account and subscribed for a month. The installiation itself went fine, but it was when it started to download the patches it started to piss me off. It took a total of at least 6 hours to complete it, I had to stop and resume it once because my mom didn't let me leave my PC on at night because of the"radiation".

Today, it finally finished downloading. When I thought I was finally going to get to play the game, it started installing an update which looks like I will have to leave my PC on at night if I want it to finish anytime soon. It's been nearly 2 hours and it's still at %20. Damn, if THIS is going to happen everytime I install this game, I'd rather not uninstall it and let it slow down my computer. And it BETTER NOT install something new after this is done.

When this is over, I will either like the game and think all that is worth it, I will either not like the game and regret doing all those stuff, or the goddamn program will keep installing things until I turn into one of those radiation-exposed super mutants in Fallout 3 and my subscription will expire and I will have to make a new one.

Now I'm going to bed, and it better be done in the morning, and it also better not install anything else, or my fate will be like what's on the picture below.


I'm starting World of Warcraft... I hope.

Posted by mrty - May 25th, 2009

It might be pretty much fake, but all those friends and their pictures... it seems so real. An imposter probably wouldn't even bother creating all those other fake accounts, and adding them. He wouldn't find all those pictures either. What do you think?

Are these Tom and his friends on facebook?

Posted by mrty - May 21st, 2009

First things first, I decided not to continue writing The Assassins. I got so bored.

I'm finishing the 3rd mission at the moment. It took me ages, because it was a long one, needed a lot of animations, and I couldn't find much time because of school and goddamn exams.

Some new things I'm thinking of:
- Newspapers at the store ($1): Shows the result of your assassination from the previous mission, just like Hitman Blood Money.
- I will add music later, but I'm thinking of using the music of NG Portal, Hitman Blood Money OST, and some rock bands.
- I also decided that I would make Tobias an evil person, an anti-hero, so he's not going to be that much of an angel. You will understand that by his speech and other stuff.
- Tobias will have a brown bunny rabbit, possibly called "Choco".
- I'm thinking of adding more humor, yet trying not to turn it into comedy.
- I may be able to make the other characters try to run away when you shoot one of them.

I will update this list when needed.

By the way, can anybody help me think of more upgrades? (The ones I already have are armor piercing ammo and increased scope size.)

Other news? Well, I bought UFC 2009: Undisputed. I'm good with Muay Thai & BJJ fighters, especially Thiago Silva and Anderson Silva.

Also, does anybody agree with me that the forum search bar sucks? It has to be longer than 3 letters and shorter than 20 letters. I tried to search "UFC" and it didn't accept it because it was 3 letters. So I tried "Ultimate fighting championship" and it didn't accept it again because it was longer than 20 letters. What a disaster. It should be at the top, too, not the bottom! In fact, it should be both at the top and the bottom.

By the way, I PMed PsychoGoldfish to use medals for SC2, but he still didn't reply. Damn.

Posted by mrty - May 13th, 2009

Some of you might be wondering why I'm not continuing to write my story "The Assassins". I don't actually know why, guess I got bored.

However, today I realized that only 4 days remain until the anniversary of when I started writing the story (May 17). On the anniversary day, I was originally planning to write the final chapter and end the story, but then I realized again that Jack and Eric still have a lot to do and this can't be done in one chapter. They first have to find a plane, fly to Japan, kill all the bounty members that sent Tommy to kill Jack and Eric, then end the story. So I decided that I would continue writing the story on the anniversary. Approximately 4 or 5 chapters remain until the end. I'm also thinking of making an epilogue chapter, and an index where you can access all the chapters.

Posted by mrty - April 30th, 2009

My maths marks are pretty low, I haven't gotten a mark over %45 since the beginning of the year, I'm taking a lot of private lessons but it's no use. See how bad it is:

1st exam result: %45
2nd exam result: %26
3rd exam result: %45
4th exam result: %19

And I studied REALLY hard for that last one! I try everything and it's absolutely no use! My mom is thinking of getting a new private teacher now. Damn, my private teacher was one hilarious guy, but I heard this new one is really smart, he prepared my brother for the university test. So, I think, at this point, that intelligence is more important than hilarity.

Yeah, again, FUCK YOU MATHS!!!!!

Posted by mrty - April 20th, 2009

As I mentioned in my previous post, Sniper's Contracts 2 contained some bugs in the shopping part. I found a way to fix the bugs, but I had to scrap some things in the process.

You were able to buy as many bullets as you want, without any limits.

You are only able to select between 3 quantities: 2 bullets (free), 5 bullets ($250), and 8 bullets ($450).

2 bullets are free, so you can still play the mission even if you're out of money. However, only 2 bullets will prevent you from assassinating some of the optional targets.

Right now I'm working on some upgrades. That's right, if I get it right, you will be able to upgrade your rifle! Some upgrades I'm thinking of:

Armor piercing ammo: You will be able to shoot through armor, which is required to kill some of the armored optional targets. (e.g. Armored guards of a target)
Beware though, if you shoot an armored target even if you don't have this upgrade, you will raise full alert, instantly failing the mission.

Scope size increase: Your scope will be larger, increasing your accuracy.


Maybe you won't believe this, but I'm still working on the 3rd mission. When you play the game, you will know why, though.

Posted by mrty - April 18th, 2009

Things were going well with SC2, until I realized today that there are so much bugs in the part where you buy ammo and hints. I tried many ways to fix them, but it was no use. Shit, this game's gonna take forever, but I WON'T give up. Like I said, a promise is a promise. I made all those news posts and made you hopeful about this game, now I can't just let go. I guess you shouldn't except much of a good game, though. Those bugs nearly kill the game.

All I want from all of you SC fans is just a bit patience. Yeah, patience sucks, but it's the only way. Is it gonna be a good game? Only time will tell.

Posted by mrty - April 15th, 2009

It was my birthday today. I got two of the presents right in the morning :) Then I went to school and around 10 people wished me a happy b-day (not to mention 9 of em were girls, that's what the real important thing is :)), and 6 people on facebook and 2 people via e-mail (one of em being Newgrounds :)).

Things I got:
- A blue Lacoste t-shirt
- A red t-shirt with a picture of a football and a broken glass with the words "IT WASN'T ME!" on it xD
- A diary
- Some cool PJs

The number of presents you get surely decreases as you grow up, don't they? xD
Well, I really liked my presents.