I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 10/12/07

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mrty's News

Posted by mrty - October 7th, 2009

Yeah I decided to make this post when I saw Archon68's. :)

Universe Collab: A collab that Archon68 is hosting, about the creation and evolution of the universe. My part is about the dino age.

Progress: %88
Estimated release date: November 2009 (my part only, not the whole collab)
Collab thread
Updates list

The Sniper's Contracts 2: A stickman sniper game which will be the sequel to The Sniper's Contracts.

Progress: %40
Estimated release date: March 2010
About the game
The original game

100Q VG Quiz: A challenging video game quiz including 100 questions.

Progress: %50
Estimated release date: December 2009
About the game

Posted by mrty - October 2nd, 2009

I made this thread a couple of minutes ago, not knowing that NG mods didn't appreciate "image dumps". Rules are strict.

Haven't started a topic since like 4 or 5 months, and this one got locked when I finally did. Tough luck.

The thread was locked in 8 minutes, it might be the fastest lock ever, I don't know, what do you think?

EDIT: Looks like they deleted the thread, so the link won't work. Well, it was called "Funny pictures thread", a thread to simply post funny pictures.


I'll still update my previous Animals&Dinos post, so I suggest you keep checking on it.

Posted by mrty - July 22nd, 2009

November 1 update: Looks like it's been a month since I haven't updated this. I'm getting Photoshop&Flash CS4 on Tuesday (November 3), as well as AS3 Programming University. It's going to be awesome. After that, I'll resume working on my part, mainly because the effects and all the new functions will make a much better part.

I'll also be able to contribute the "Photoshop the ..." threads, which means... YEEEHAAAW!

October 1 update: Renamed all the symbols. Phew...

September 25 update (unrelated): School is going well for now, my class is a nice one, kinda boring but still good.

September 23 update (unrelated): Another "dammit". I looked up at the school's opening ceremony schedule again, and looks like 08:30 is the time we arrive at the school, and 09:00 is when the ceremony starts. My mom wants me to go 15 minutes earlier to "have more time meeting people", but... Anyway, apparently, at 09:00 we have to attend a dumb ceremony, which, before our national anthem, involves a little "celebration" of the first graders of the primary school while usually "Barbie Girl" plays in the background. I hope they found another song to play this year.

After that, we have a confrence from 09:40 to 10:40 usually involving the meeting with new teachers, then from 11:00 to 12:30, we all go to our classes and teachers come in our classes in a specific order to introduce what's going to be done the whole year. After that it's lunch time, from 12:30 to 13:30, which, last year, was a meatball and french fries sandwich which was really cool, I hope it will be the same this year. Then we finally leave.

I've been hearing rumors that classes aren't going to change from now on until we graduate from highschool. These rumors are probably due to some class types having only one class. (According to the Turkish education system, this includes social studies, Turkish&maths, science, and foreign languages. I chose Turkish&maths because I want to be a writer.) However, there are two classes in my type, so we might still get mixed up as the years progress, which, boy, is what I hope.

This post has basically become a diary for me... :)

September 23 update (unrelated): Dammit, I just went to school with a huge luggage of books in my hand, climbing up 3 storeys only to discover that they haven't hanged the lists yet. According to the principal, we'll only be able to see them tomorrow. Great. Apparently, I won't be able to sleep tonight because of the anxiety only knowing that I won't be able to find out who my classmates are until morning. Another thing that sucks is that it will be teachers who decide who will take which locker. Hell, I don't want to just have one of the bottom lockers which will require me to bend down on the ground everytime someone above me uses their locker...

At least I was able to check out the classes. They are for 14-15 people just like last year, nothing's much different, only the tables and chairs have changed.

September 23 update (unrelated): My school starts tomorrow. However, according to the new cool system, the first day of school is different. We will have no lessons in the first day, instead, we will have a meeting at the confrence hall and teachers will introduce us what we are going to do and we will meet new teachers if there are any. Now I'm going to go to school hoping they have a list of classes hanged up on the bulletin board, so I will manage to know who my classmates are. Boy, they better be good ones. I will update this post to tell if I liked my class or not.

Tomorrow the school starts at 9:40 and is dismissed at 13:30, after tomorrow it will be from 08:30 to 15:45 as usual.

September 22 update: Changed the design of the flowers.

September 22 update: The frog now moves his eyes to the fly while catching it.

September 22 update: Happy Madness Day. Haven't updated this post for a while, but this doesn't mean I'm not working on it.

September 10 update (unrelated): Some of you might know about my 100q Video Game Quiz. It won't be a simple quiz, it has 100 questions about any video game from Super Mario to Batman: Arkham Asylum, divided into 4 sections. At the end of each section, you will get a rank depending on how many sections you completed, and your score. As you progress through sections, the number of possible answers and the difficulty will increase. Check out this post for more info.

September 3 update: Here's the latest screenshot.

August 24 update: The frog now opens his mouth while catching the fly, and closes it when he does so. I'll also make him turn his eyes to the fly while catching it.

Here, I uploaded a picture of me and Kral as my profile picture.

August 23 update: I'm back. Most of the trip sucked, to be honest. We were staying in a village, so there were thousands of mosquitos there, they bit my legs from 5 DIFFERENT PLACES, they are still itching. It had WiFi but we couldn't connect it. The shower had a dripping problem which we couldn't fix, and the floor wasn't much clean.

As for the pros, the sea was really wavy, it was so much fun. The people were nice to us. We got to meet two dogs; a kangal (national dog breed of Turkey) called "Rocky", a german shepherd called "Kral" (Turkish for "king"), and a chihuahua called "Pinky".

Rocky was so named because he was told to be really strong, a waiter told us that he had caught 2 thieves, and standed on them until the employees arrived. He also has the ability to break his restraints. However, Rocky was told to be treated very badly. They didn't feed him properly, and kicked him out of every place they didn't want him to be. We feeded him with meatballs and lots of other stuff while we were having dinner.

Kral was so named because he was a "royal" dog, and he was also very silent and calm, unlike other german shepherds. He sit in our balcony both nights, we don't know why, maybe because the lights were on, maybe because he liked us. My brother called him "my bodyguard", because he seemed to have followed my brother every place he went. We took a lot of pictures of him with us, I'll soon post one as my profile picture. Unlike Rocky, he was well feeded and well treated, we also feeded him ourselves just like Rocky.

Pinky had gotten her name from her pink collar. She is a waiter's dog and she is well treated, although she constantly got punished for some reason. Her punishment was to stand on top of a wardrobe, she couldn't jump off probably because she was afraid.

August 21 update: I'm going to a vacation for the weekend.

August 15 update (unrelated): Well, happy clock day. A day when every shitty clock submission can get passed with ease...

August 13 update: The frog blinks now.

August 11 update: I just found a dinosaur encyclopedia, a children's pop-up book actually, my uncle had bought it for me when I was a kid. I wasn't interested in dinosaurs back then, but even though it's a children's book, it's a great resource because it's simply written.

August 10 update: I'm back. After a fun vacation (and the only one, sadly), I'm ready to get back to flash work.

August 8 update: I have a confirmed return date now, it's either August 10 or 11. I'm having a pretty good vacation, but I'm also looking forward to go back to my own house, my own room, my own bed, and own computer. Doing flash work, surfing on the internet properly, playing Left 4 Dead...

Yeah, I forgot to say, I'm a big L4D player, add me if you want, my nickname is almost always "raiden".

August 7 update: I'm still on vacation, and so far it's pretty cool, looks like I underestimated it. I'm using a friend's Macbook to write this, and I must say it's confusing for an all-time Windows user like me. I'll still be looking for getting back in Flash work when I'm back.

Since up to only 9 collaborators can be co-authored for some reason, only top contributors will be credited in this collab (like all collabs). I'm doing my best to top contribute, but it's so much fun to do Flash work and I'm always glad to help.

August 4 update: The preloader is done, it's just away from a few finishing touches.

I'll be going on a vacation tomorrow, for approximately 10 days, I might still post stuff, but I won't be working. I'll update this post when I'm back.

August 3 update: chubbthehippo is almost done with the preloader animation, I'll start coding it as soon as he sends it to me.

July 30 update (unrelated): Some of you might know my movie WoW: Vecahot Proof. The grandma mentioned in that movie, my grandma, died last night. She had bumped her head a few months ago, so I guess her brain had some physical trauma. She was also too old, she lived 85 years I guess.

I was sad when I heard about her death, but she lived a long and a good life, and died without suffering. In the end, that's all that matters.

It was the first time ever that I actually heard about one of my relatives' death, so I'm not really used to it.

Let WoW: Vecahot Proofbe in memory of her.

Her funeral is tomorrow, apparently we have to go early in the morning.

July 28 update: Made the sun a bit brighter, and the first dinosaur now blinks while walking. Also, a new screenshot is posted.

July 27 update: Me and chubbthehippo are working on the preloader of the collab.

July 26 update: Turned the frog's eyes to white, and made the mountains a little bigger.

July 25 update: The frog won't be deleted, click this link to learn why.

July 25 update: Made the red grasses orange instead, and changed the mountain shading a bit.

July 24 update: It seems like frogs didn't exist at that time, so I might remove it and replace it with a crocodile or something like that.

I'm a part of Archon68's Universe Collab as I mentioned before, and I'm doing the Animals&Dinosaurs part.

In this post, I'll post things like what is left to improve on and how I'm doing. I'll also keep changing the screenshot as I improve the movie.

Right now I'm doing good. I feel I'm getting better at Flash every minute I make this movie. I got to know that everyone can draw some good things if they take their time.

Things left to improve on at the moment:
1- Some details of a meat eating dinosaur.
2- Grasses.
3- Mountains.
4- A herbivore dinosaur, I think I'll redesign it.

If you have ideas about what should be improved, feel free to post it here.

In other news, I finally got promoted to scout, and I bought CS: Source off Steam, but I'm doing terribly right now compared to all the other experienced players. :)


Posted by mrty - July 17th, 2009

I'm not talking about any anti-virus software, this is about a user.

Anybody know this user? We used to be co-authors, well, not really... When he played The Sniper's Contracts, he seemed to have liked it and commented on one of my posts that he wanted to make a game with me.

I accepted it and added him on MSN. For a month or two we talked about what kind of a game we would make. We couldn't agree, but eventually we forgot about making a game and started talking about many other things, even Finnish saunas. We had forgotten why we added eachother on MSN. The real purpose.

One day, he just vanished. I didn't see him online on MSN, and he wasn't updating his NG profile at all. I thought he went to some vacation or something, so I waited. I waited, for two years now. Still the same silence. No response to my e-mails or anything.

All I know is that he is Finnish, and his name is Raine. He once sent me a picture of his on IRC, he has glasses and brown hair. Today I checked his IRC account and he seemed to have deleted it. What the hell is going on? Is he even alive? If so, where is he?

Something similar happened with Yoshidude565, he wasn't online on MSN nor NG for a long time. One day I sent him a message on facebook and asked him why he wasn't going on MSN and NG, he told me that he had a yahoo adress so he never got around NG and MSN anymore. Norton3000 might have a similar reason.

To wait or not to wait? That is the question. If any of you guys have any clue, please let me know...

Posted by mrty - July 11th, 2009

Update: Thanks to NG Level Icon Maker 2, I made a molotov cocktail as a new icon. Isn't it nice?

I accidentally voted 0 to my icon on the web page where all the icons are displayed, not even knowing it was a voting button... sigh.

Also, I finally managed to finish a Left 4 Dead campaign online, it was No Mercy on Normal. I tried expert, it was REALLY hard, we died everytime, and nobody played on advanced for some reason, so I played it on normal.

Sadly, Bill (who was a bot) couldn't make it to the chopper.


I'm feeling this Universe Collab will turn out awesome. I'm making the Animals&Dinosaurs part. I don't have much problem with graphics since I have a tablet. If you want to join, there still are some open parts.

I'll be taking a break from SC2 and 100q VG Quiz. This will be my first collab, and I just realized that this collab thing is awesome. I should look for joining some other collabs after this one's done.

Posted by mrty - July 7th, 2009

Most of you are probably familiar with online play in Left 4 Dead. It's so much fun, especially the versus mode, but I really started to get tired of the asshole players. I made a detailed list of them and why they're exhausting me. I hope you understand me and justify my opinions.

1) Trash talkers: The kind of players I hate most. They think that trash talking and insulting people on the internet is so easy, because nobody knows eachother and you're not meeting face to face. The same goes for the guys on NG. There are so many players trying to insult me -and other people- so I won't get in much details.

We were playing verus, I was Bill, in the first chapter of No Mercy. When we reached the stairs descending to the safehouse, I realized that my health is around 10, so I took some time to heal up. As a result, one of the survivors typed "Why don't you take pills instead, idiot? Fucking move next time!"

I try my best not to argue with players, not because I'm a pussy, but it wastes so much time, it gets exhausting as it progresses, and you completely lose your enthusiasm to play the game. Well, I do. Ignoring is the best thing to do.
2) Bossy/cocky/selfish players: These players always try to order you around and don't know a damn thing about team work, they just come up with their own plan and put it into work, and notably, these players don't last long, because they either walk alone like a lone wolf and get killed, or leave the game because he "can't stand his 'team mates'".

They also always walk ahead of the team and end up getting lost, then killed. 9 out of 10 players I play with never wait for me, they just go ahead and leave me to my fate, they never help me, and I soon get killed. If they save you from the pouncing of a hunter, they do it to score points, not to save you.

Another example of selfish players include the ones waiting in a toilet or a safe room, not even trying to help their team mates.
3) Kicking players: I came across a lot of these yesterday and got really pissed. They are always looking to kick someone for one of the following reasons:

They were waiting for a friend: Hmm, how about using the goddamn "play with friends" option then?

(Infected) You take too long to spawn: Yesterday, I was a boomer searching for an appropriate place to spawn and ambush the survivors, but after 20 seconds of wandering around, somebody started a vote and I immediately got kicked. Wow...........

You got in trouble: In the first chapter of No Mercy, a smoker caught me, and I got kicked just because of it, probably because they couldn't bother to come back for me. Well, then why don't you at least leave me to die and let me recover my mistakes in the next round? Why kick me?!

You didn't know the language they spoke: This doesn't happen to me, but it usually happens to Russians, who may be the only player in the team that didn't know English.

For no reason at all: Sometimes, they'll just kick you just because they're assholes.

4) Team killing players: I've only come across one so far, it was a German guy I guess, he sometimes shot me on purpose, and he wasn't blinded by vomit or anything. And he once attacked me as a smoker while I was a hunter, he kept clawing me, I clawed him back, but the round ended. I asked him why he was doing it, he didn't reply. I tried to kick him but the vote failed, that sneaky bastard.

5) Obsessive players: This usually happens amongst the infected, some hunters/smokers always try to attack and kill the same person, no matter where they are and what they are doing.

I guess that's all. Now, who agrees with me? Also, if you want to make additions, feel free.

Update: Lol how did they do this? (see picture below)

Getting tired of Left 4 Dead.

Posted by mrty - July 3rd, 2009

God, wasn't that exhausting.

The first day we went to the airport, we actually couldn't go, I mentioned that in the previous post.

While flying to NY (8 hours), I simply couldn't sleep, because it wasn't comfortable. I found a solution of putting my pillow on my tray and sleeping on it, but I had a pain in my back after a while. The food was OK, there was some pasta and chicken.

After the flight, we arrived at the airport and my uncle picked us up. Whilst arriving at my cousin's house, we celebrated his birthday and ate chocolate cake. After the celebration, we started chatting for a while and it was already 6 PM and my aunt started preparing the dinner. After the dinner, I watched WWE The Bash PPV with my bro and my cousin. I didn't get to watch the "Orton vs Triple H" one, becasue I was exhausted and went to bed. Other than that, the matches kinda sucked except the "Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho" one.

At night... This is when the real action started. I realized that my luggage was missing. After pathetic attempts of searching for my luggage in the dark, with the help of my mom and my aunt, I decided to keep searching in the morning. However, I couldn't sleep because of the jet lag, so I went downstairs, ate some cookies and read my Stephen King novel (it was 3 AM) until 6 AM. When I finished reading, I finally got some sleep on the couch, it was comfy, just a little cold.

In the morning, I kept looking for my luggage and I simply realized that it wasn't anywhere in or near the house. I called the airport countless times but nobody answered, twits. Anyway, since I couldn't find my luggage, I decided to replace the ones in them, which included t-shirts, shorts, shirts, a deodorant, a perfume, a cap, my PSP charger and trousers. We were already going to go to Danbury Mall that day, so replacing them should have been simple. Also, my aunt bought me a deodorant before going to the mall.

At Danbury Mall, we first went to the film "The Hangover", it was probably the best comedy film I have ever watched, I really recommend you see it. After the film, I bought some abercrombie t-shirts (the clerks working in there are always hot for some reason), a UFC 100 t-shirt, 2 fake cigarettes, and a rubber chicken which screamed when you squeeze it (it's so funny when you squeeze it a couple of times and keep getting faster, it sounds like he's having an orgasm).

The next day, we went to Manhattan, The Metropolitan Museum was awesome, took a lot of pictures there, and I bought a pharaoh pen, an Egyptian cat statue, and another pen for my mom.

On the day after that, we went to Westchester Mall. I bought a pair of shorts there, wore them on, and put my old shorts in the bag. Then I went to Hugo Boss, I attempted to buy a perfume I have always liked, but it was $65 so I couldn't afford it. After traveling a few more shops, I found my bro and cousin and showed them my shorts, and they asked me where my old shorts were. Damn, I had forgotten it somewhere! I started running and looking in every shop I visited (most of the clothing shops in the mall, that is) until I found out that I have forgotten my bag on the floor in Hugo Boss while counting my money. After that, we all met up and left the mall.

On the fourth day, it was time to go home. I made absolute sure I had everything wwith me, then we went to the airport. My mom told the workers about my luggage, and they found it and brought it to me! While looking to replace my lost belongings, all I did was to buy a lot more things to fill up my closet, I felt so relaxed.

Before the flight, I bought the Hugo Boss perfume I was looking for, it was in a Duty Free shop, so it was much cheaper.

While returning home, I really didn't have a good flight. There was some archeologist woman sitting next to me (she told me her name was Kim), at first she was friendly, but after drinking a bottle of wine, she went completely out of control. She was still a bit friendly, but so annoying, she kept talking and asking me questions like:
"Do you like this size of hair on a girl?" (Seriously, what kind of a question is that to ask a guy who is 20 years younger than you?!)
"Don't you think all those toddlers are adorable?" (I just nodded.)
"Am I crazy?" (This is when I made absolute sure she was either drunk or really crazy. I didn't answer this one, which I think was the best thing to do. So she changed the subject.)

We played a couple of Hangman rounds, she said she would "kick my ass" (she is notably really foul-mouthed), but after playing six rounds, she got her own ass kicked lol. Also, she was jabbing my arm every 5 seconds and lightly hit my ear once, I can still remember the pain when I think about it. I felt like throwing an elbow at her nose so she would bleed like a pig, but I managed to control myself.

While having lunch (it was terrible, I ate nearly nothing), Kim (or should I have said "drunken bitch"?) dropped her fork and asked me to "pick the fucking fork up". I asked her why she wasn't picking it up herself, she told me she just wanted a little "favor". Excuse me, but I wasn't keen on picking up drunken sluts' garbage from the floor, especially the ones who don't even know how to ask it nicely, so I refused. She insisted, I refused again. This is when she turned completely hostile. She started calling me a "little dick" and my bro "not a good person as he looks" (WTF does my bro have to do with this??) until my mom said "You are drunk and you are talking too much, we want you to shut up." And I said "My mom is right, I want to watch a film and we all want you to shut up, and you are the real 'little dick'".

She couldn't handle being told off by two people at once so she went to the bathroom to cry, I could still hear her talking to the hosts about me being a "little twat", and my mom also talking to one of the hosts about the drunken whore. About 10 minutes later, a host came with an old man and said that Kim and the old man have switched places. The old man was alright, he was just caughing every minute, but he SURELY was preferable to the drunk slut.

We never saw Kim again and I hope not to, the only thing I hope for her is her getting a life, or getting rotten near all the human bones she has been digging up.

In conclusion, even though it wasn't the best holiday I had, I got to buy a lot of clothes and shit, near all my other belongings which I thought were lost, so I'm really happy I went there. Also, I'll miss all those helpful and hot clerks, there aren't much of them here.

Posted by mrty - June 27th, 2009

Tomorrow I'll be going to New York for 6 days, to visit my cousins. Normally we were going to go today, but when we arrived at the airport, we had trouble finding our green cards (United States Permanent Resident Cards). After 15 minutes of searching, my mom decided that we should return home and take another plane tomorrow, so we went back home. On the way, my mom remembered where she put the cards: it was in some secret part of a luggage, for some reason. After all, however, we had missed the plane, so we'll be going tomorrow.

Some bug in Sniper's Contracts 2 upgrades is really pissing me off, and I can't go any further making the game unless if I fix it, or scrap it. I've been trying to fix it for 3 straight days, going to a vacation will help me relax for a while.

Even if I go to NY, I'll still be on NG, so feel free to interact with me.

Things I like doing in NY are going down to Manhattan, eating hot dogs (NY hot dogs are the best), going to cinema, going to Westchester Mall, another mall which I can't remember it's name, and Dave&Buster's. I like eating Oreo biscuits too, they ain't for sale in Turkey.

Also, I can watch WWE and UFC in America easily, which is really cool. They rarely broadcast UFC in Turkey, and that is like on 5 AM, I can rarely stay awake until that time, so I can't watch it. I guess I can watch it on like 11 PM there, so I won't have to die from exhaustion.

I will update this post once we get there.

Posted by mrty - June 26th, 2009

I heard of Michael Jackson's death, which was on yesterday, assumed to be because of cardiac arrest. I wasn't a huge fan of his, but I still felt sad about his death. I liked his songs "Smooth Criminal", "Beat It", and "Billy Jean". R.I.P Michael Jackson.

Posted by mrty - June 18th, 2009

Update: Hardcore Holly is the new champion!

What is "Trash Tournament"? Well, let me explain. Me, my brother, and a friend of his, sometimes meet at our house to play Smackdown vs Raw 2009. While playing, for a laugh, we select the worst wrestlers we can ever find (ex. Festus (we call him "Festuk" for some reason), Snitsky, Mark Henry, Santino Marella, etc.). We call them "trash men", because we see them as unnecessary and ridiculous.

Last time we played the game, things got serious, and before we knew it, it turned into a tournament! The results include:
1st winner: Mark Henry (Battle Royal)
2nd winner: Chuck Palumbo (30-Man Royal Rumble)
3rd winner: Snitsky (Batlle Royal)
4th winner: Big Daddy V (ECW Extreme Rules)

When we arranged a final match between these four, Big Daddy V became the champion.

The next tournament, Trash Tournament II, will be tommorow probably at midnight. My bro's friend's university is at England, luckily, he's here for the whole summer. Let the tournament begin, I'll post the results!

Also, tomorrow is the final day of school. Some of my marks are pretty low, but I think I passed them. I'm looking forward to seeing my report card.

P.S. This "Trash Tournament" thing is something that you should definately try out too, especially when played with friends, it's so funny.