First things first, I decided not to continue writing The Assassins. I got so bored.
I'm finishing the 3rd mission at the moment. It took me ages, because it was a long one, needed a lot of animations, and I couldn't find much time because of school and goddamn exams.
Some new things I'm thinking of:
- Newspapers at the store ($1): Shows the result of your assassination from the previous mission, just like Hitman Blood Money.
- I will add music later, but I'm thinking of using the music of NG Portal, Hitman Blood Money OST, and some rock bands.
- I also decided that I would make Tobias an evil person, an anti-hero, so he's not going to be that much of an angel. You will understand that by his speech and other stuff.
- Tobias will have a brown bunny rabbit, possibly called "Choco".
- I'm thinking of adding more humor, yet trying not to turn it into comedy.
- I may be able to make the other characters try to run away when you shoot one of them.
I will update this list when needed.
By the way, can anybody help me think of more upgrades? (The ones I already have are armor piercing ammo and increased scope size.)
Other news? Well, I bought UFC 2009: Undisputed. I'm good with Muay Thai & BJJ fighters, especially Thiago Silva and Anderson Silva.
Also, does anybody agree with me that the forum search bar sucks? It has to be longer than 3 letters and shorter than 20 letters. I tried to search "UFC" and it didn't accept it because it was 3 letters. So I tried "Ultimate fighting championship" and it didn't accept it again because it was longer than 20 letters. What a disaster. It should be at the top, too, not the bottom! In fact, it should be both at the top and the bottom.
By the way, I PMed PsychoGoldfish to use medals for SC2, but he still didn't reply. Damn.
Yep, the forum search bar sucks. PsychoGoldfish is really pissing me off, too. I asked for medals for Windows Doors.... no response.
All the admins are the same. They always say "If you want blah blah then PM me." then when you PM them they never respond. The same goes for TomFulp but that's normal because he's probably getting 100s of them a week.