I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



Joined on 10/12/07

Exp Points:
1,270 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.33 votes
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Will you marry me?

Hell yeeah, let's move to a bungalow in a rain forest! Happily ever after!

Just kidding I want a divorce now.

Haha I was like "WTF" when I saw the first comment.

I want divorce too because you didn't let me change the location of the HDTV from the living room to the kitchen. You also sold my cock to a butcher. XD

Hell, I'm sorry because of your grandmother died. Well In CS you can be good gamer in little time. You need keep practice and last thing HOLY SHIT you improved your desiner skill so much! I hope your collab be successful. Last thing bravo( for your improved rank)

Thanks a lot for the condolances.

I deleted CS actually, it got repetitive so fast, and everybody, I repeat, everybody was playing "de_dust2" or whatever that is, I eventually got so bored.

Thanks, the trick about art work is to take your time and make it as good as possible, all the filters in Flash 8 help a lot too.

And I can see you improved a lot on your English. :)

I feel bad for your loss, but I guess your grandma's in a better place now... without pain and stuff.
Also, good luck with your flash projects.

Sure she is, she's been suffering a lot lately.

We went to her funeral today, watching her getting buried wasn't easy, I'm telling you.


Now that you're my ex we can have secret, guilty-free sex when your new husband is gone. Except for the whole "sold-your-cock-to-the-butcher" thing. Ever tried dildos?

That last comment was a little too dirty, I think.

Yes, but nice try. :)

I think we should get back together. You can move the HDTV to the kitchen if you want to!

Yes, we definately should! But I also want the fridge to be in the bathroom, I have a habit of drinking milk then spitting it in the bathtub while shouting "Pennysilvania apples, I'm coming for your mama!!!" since my childhood. Dunno why.

I also want you to sleep in our T-Rex's cage, no excuses, or I'll break up again! Also, our cute little Russian dog "Yvesnukuv Fedor" should sleep in the laundry machine. Just don't forget to check if he's there while using it!

But let's move to Alaska, K?

That sounds awesome! We will play "Whose Piss Freezes Faster In The Cold Air While Pissing" game, aka "WPFFITCAWP"! So much fun!