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Back from NY.

Posted by mrty - July 3rd, 2009

God, wasn't that exhausting.

The first day we went to the airport, we actually couldn't go, I mentioned that in the previous post.

While flying to NY (8 hours), I simply couldn't sleep, because it wasn't comfortable. I found a solution of putting my pillow on my tray and sleeping on it, but I had a pain in my back after a while. The food was OK, there was some pasta and chicken.

After the flight, we arrived at the airport and my uncle picked us up. Whilst arriving at my cousin's house, we celebrated his birthday and ate chocolate cake. After the celebration, we started chatting for a while and it was already 6 PM and my aunt started preparing the dinner. After the dinner, I watched WWE The Bash PPV with my bro and my cousin. I didn't get to watch the "Orton vs Triple H" one, becasue I was exhausted and went to bed. Other than that, the matches kinda sucked except the "Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho" one.

At night... This is when the real action started. I realized that my luggage was missing. After pathetic attempts of searching for my luggage in the dark, with the help of my mom and my aunt, I decided to keep searching in the morning. However, I couldn't sleep because of the jet lag, so I went downstairs, ate some cookies and read my Stephen King novel (it was 3 AM) until 6 AM. When I finished reading, I finally got some sleep on the couch, it was comfy, just a little cold.

In the morning, I kept looking for my luggage and I simply realized that it wasn't anywhere in or near the house. I called the airport countless times but nobody answered, twits. Anyway, since I couldn't find my luggage, I decided to replace the ones in them, which included t-shirts, shorts, shirts, a deodorant, a perfume, a cap, my PSP charger and trousers. We were already going to go to Danbury Mall that day, so replacing them should have been simple. Also, my aunt bought me a deodorant before going to the mall.

At Danbury Mall, we first went to the film "The Hangover", it was probably the best comedy film I have ever watched, I really recommend you see it. After the film, I bought some abercrombie t-shirts (the clerks working in there are always hot for some reason), a UFC 100 t-shirt, 2 fake cigarettes, and a rubber chicken which screamed when you squeeze it (it's so funny when you squeeze it a couple of times and keep getting faster, it sounds like he's having an orgasm).

The next day, we went to Manhattan, The Metropolitan Museum was awesome, took a lot of pictures there, and I bought a pharaoh pen, an Egyptian cat statue, and another pen for my mom.

On the day after that, we went to Westchester Mall. I bought a pair of shorts there, wore them on, and put my old shorts in the bag. Then I went to Hugo Boss, I attempted to buy a perfume I have always liked, but it was $65 so I couldn't afford it. After traveling a few more shops, I found my bro and cousin and showed them my shorts, and they asked me where my old shorts were. Damn, I had forgotten it somewhere! I started running and looking in every shop I visited (most of the clothing shops in the mall, that is) until I found out that I have forgotten my bag on the floor in Hugo Boss while counting my money. After that, we all met up and left the mall.

On the fourth day, it was time to go home. I made absolute sure I had everything wwith me, then we went to the airport. My mom told the workers about my luggage, and they found it and brought it to me! While looking to replace my lost belongings, all I did was to buy a lot more things to fill up my closet, I felt so relaxed.

Before the flight, I bought the Hugo Boss perfume I was looking for, it was in a Duty Free shop, so it was much cheaper.

While returning home, I really didn't have a good flight. There was some archeologist woman sitting next to me (she told me her name was Kim), at first she was friendly, but after drinking a bottle of wine, she went completely out of control. She was still a bit friendly, but so annoying, she kept talking and asking me questions like:
"Do you like this size of hair on a girl?" (Seriously, what kind of a question is that to ask a guy who is 20 years younger than you?!)
"Don't you think all those toddlers are adorable?" (I just nodded.)
"Am I crazy?" (This is when I made absolute sure she was either drunk or really crazy. I didn't answer this one, which I think was the best thing to do. So she changed the subject.)

We played a couple of Hangman rounds, she said she would "kick my ass" (she is notably really foul-mouthed), but after playing six rounds, she got her own ass kicked lol. Also, she was jabbing my arm every 5 seconds and lightly hit my ear once, I can still remember the pain when I think about it. I felt like throwing an elbow at her nose so she would bleed like a pig, but I managed to control myself.

While having lunch (it was terrible, I ate nearly nothing), Kim (or should I have said "drunken bitch"?) dropped her fork and asked me to "pick the fucking fork up". I asked her why she wasn't picking it up herself, she told me she just wanted a little "favor". Excuse me, but I wasn't keen on picking up drunken sluts' garbage from the floor, especially the ones who don't even know how to ask it nicely, so I refused. She insisted, I refused again. This is when she turned completely hostile. She started calling me a "little dick" and my bro "not a good person as he looks" (WTF does my bro have to do with this??) until my mom said "You are drunk and you are talking too much, we want you to shut up." And I said "My mom is right, I want to watch a film and we all want you to shut up, and you are the real 'little dick'".

She couldn't handle being told off by two people at once so she went to the bathroom to cry, I could still hear her talking to the hosts about me being a "little twat", and my mom also talking to one of the hosts about the drunken whore. About 10 minutes later, a host came with an old man and said that Kim and the old man have switched places. The old man was alright, he was just caughing every minute, but he SURELY was preferable to the drunk slut.

We never saw Kim again and I hope not to, the only thing I hope for her is her getting a life, or getting rotten near all the human bones she has been digging up.

In conclusion, even though it wasn't the best holiday I had, I got to buy a lot of clothes and shit, near all my other belongings which I thought were lost, so I'm really happy I went there. Also, I'll miss all those helpful and hot clerks, there aren't much of them here.


Sounds exciting. I've always wanted to go to NY.

And perfume? You know that's for women, right? Men wear cologne.

Cologne, whatever :D

Wow, now that really sounded like a trip to remember...

Sure was, thanks :)