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Assassins (Chapter 2: Hiding)

Posted by mrty - May 18th, 2008

Eric told the bus driver to stop when they arrived at a forest. "So that's where we will hide." Said Jack. "Only a small wooden cabin?" he complained. "What did you except, a villa?" said Eric. "Well, it could have at least been a bungalow or something. We can't breathe in this thing!" said Jack. Eric sighed.

"Oh by the way, whats your name, bus driver?" asked Eric. "R...Rufio" said bus driver. Eric tied Rufio with ropes and threw him to the ground with the help of Jack. "You stay here in the bus, Rufio. We may need you later." They hopped down the bus and entered the cabin.

"Again, it's too small man." Said Jack. Eric grabbed Jack's shirt. "Listen, why don't you just shut the fuck up and stay somewhere else?" "Get your fat hands off me!" shouted Jack. He pushed Eric. "OK, i will stay here now. Next time, i will be the one which decides the hiding location!" said Jack. "Next time?!" shouted Eric. "The fucking cops are searching all over for us, they are maybe even too close to our hiding place, they probably noted down the license plate of the bus, our parents maybe died because of a heart attack when they saw us on TV..." Jack stopped breathing when he heard the last sentence. Eric continued: "...And you are talking about a next time! Are you an idiot?!"

"No...that can't be...no..." Jack sat down, sweating like a pig. "They will find us. Our parents will spit on our faces in jail...No..." Jack charged to the door. "Wait? What are you doing?" asked Eric. Jack grabbed his pistol and hit Eric in the forehead. While Eric was unconscious, Jack got into the bus and untied Rufio. "Take this address!" said Jack. He gave Rufio the address of his house written on a piece of paper. "Ask my parents if they are OK and tell them that i still love them!" he said. He got off the bus. While Rufio was driving the bus away, Jack sensed that something was going wrong.

To be continued...

Assassins (Chapter 2: Hiding)


these stories are pretty good ^^

the writing isn't spectacular but i guess english isn't your first language :P

keep it up anyway :)

Bad grammar, good story... I liked part 1 better, though. It was more interesting.

Check out my userpage to see a preview of my new game!

You should have grabbed his cock.

Short chapters...