I'm a passionate game maker who is always trying to bring his dreams to life, willing to do whatever it takes. If you want to work with me, send me a PM. Be warned though that my internet relationships are mostly professional.

Age 30, Male



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School starts again tomorrow.

Posted by mrty - February 7th, 2010

Update (February 9th, 2010, 23:32): BioShock 2 just arrived. It is EXCELLENT. Now I'm off to validate the order.

Update (February 7th, 2010, 23:37): I ordered BioShock 2. I should be able to get it on Tuesday, or maybe even tomorrow if I'm lucky enough.

Damn, the maths homework is so complex and there's a lot to do. I just did some of it, and tomorrow we'll see what happens...
Our 2-week holiday is now over. Tomorrow I'll be returning to a seemingly endless cycle of a lot of work and little relaxing. Now that the exams will start again, I'll have to work my ass off NOT to fail them. Yeah, when I'm studying, I'm not aiming to succeed. I'm aiming not to fail. The exams won't start right away, but I have a feeling that it's going to be very soon. They never waited more than 2 weeks to start the exam schedule. I know I'm being pessimistic, but this really sucks. School sucks.

The only thing that's actually good about school starting now, is that BioShock 2 is coming out on Tuesday, which I'll be buying for PS3. It's confusing that it's on sale (not pre-order, as far as I understood) on a Turkish shopping website. I sent a message to two of the salesmen, and the only reply I got was "bioshock 2 is in stock ps3". I guess I'll just have to wait for Tuesday just to play it safe, my brother has been tricked on websites like these before.

What I did during this holiday:
- I watched Avatar, it was awesome.
- I started my new game project, which I think will be my best so far.
- I started and finished Stephen King's "It".
- I resumed a half-finished BioShock game.
- I started God of War 2 again (in the GoW Collection CD). Still playing it.
- I read most of The Education of Little Tree, by Forrest Carter. Because our teacher asked us to do so.
- I started the game of Harry Potter 3. Still not sure why I'm playing it. Probably because it reminds me of my childhood and how much fun I had with it back then.

And now, I have a maths homework to do. I ignored it during the entire holiday, and now I'm stuck with it. Shit, I still have a lot to do. Just like what my mom said, I did no work at all during the holiday. And this happens every time. I really need to learn how to learn from my mistakes. This sucks. To top that all, I'm already feeling a bit sleepy. Must focus...


You need to hook your PS3 up to the internet so we can play together.

MW2 is REALLY expensive here, and I quit buying games only for the online play. Never been much into that game anyway, not to the degree that I would pay the money. The only games you seem to play online on PS3 are MW2 and GTA IV, and I don't have either of them on PS3.

Also, even if we can find a game to play online, we will be lacking communication. Because of the damn time zones, the only time when we are both available is when it's night here. I don't have a mic, even if I had one, I wouldn't be able to chat at night, because my parents are bothered by it while sleeping. There's a keyboard attachment for remotes, maybe I'll buy it.

If you're going to buy BioShock 2, maybe we can play that together.

I do the same thing with my HW over breaks. I have two weeks to do it but I still leave it 'till 8:30PM on the last day.

Just remember to finish it, I'm warning you...