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Summer schools in US and UK

Posted by mrty - January 17th, 2010

First term of the school is finally coming to an end. At the moment of writing this, it's only one week before the semester holiday begins. This week, there will be no exams and all we're gonna do is sit all day and watch random movies during class periods. An example includes To Kill a Mockingbird during English classes, which is the movie of the novel of the same name that we read in school. It was pretty good.

To get to the point, apparently, this summer holiday there will be an arrangement for US and UK summer schools. On Wednesday there will be a presentation in school about them. I previously agreed with my mom to go only Tuesday (I have a fast reading class to attend) and Friday (that's when the report cards will be given) this week. Now, just because there's a presentation which probably won't include anything important, my mom urges me to go on Wednesday too. I keep refusing, she keeps insisting. No mom, I'm not going to school another day just because of a probably shitty presentation of a summer school, which I probably won't even attend. And guess the duration of the conference? 30 minutes. And there's one for parents after school, so if my mom's so curious about it, why can't SHE attend instead?

Now that I mentioned my hatred for summer schools, here's a little back story. Six years ago, when I was ten, I attended a kid summer school in Turkey. On the first day, I liked it. On the following days however, I really started to hate it. Our swimming coach, that mean bitch (which I secretly referred to as "Swimming Shit") kept yelling at me not to bend my legs while swimming. There's nothing I could do about it, I just wasn't good at swimming (I'm still not), I couldn't help but bend my legs. I didn't care either. I even remember crying at home once, and despite that, my parents didn't want me to quit. Jesus Christ, summer schools are for fun, how could you make your kid attend it if he's CRYING?

The reader, I hope you understand where I'm getting at. I have a traumatic (literally) experience with summer schools, so whenever I even hear those two evil words, I walk away from the conversation as quickly as possible. They tell me that the US and UK summer schools are a lot different than the Turkey ones... but somehow I don't think so. Bad summer school is bad, mean coach is mean, and I'm a guy that despises both. Tomorrow I'll try and do my best to convince my mom that I'm a traumatized guy who isn't even into sports (unless maybe if it's sprinting), which is what summer schools are all about.


I've never been to summer school, but I have a friend who went.

He said it was just like normal school, except you have the same class six hours a day and you don't get to have fun outside with your friends.

That's the point! I don't want to go to school during the summer HOLIDAY!