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Had a terrible day today.

Posted by mrty - December 4th, 2009

Today I had the maths exam that I was studying for months. With a private teacher, actually, I wasn't studying so much by myself, I'll admit. Well, here's the tragicomic story. As soon as we were handed the exam sheets, I realized that I had to shit REALLY badly. Goddamn it, I never thought that such problem would occur. I started solving the questions, but I could feel a huge amount of diarrhea being pushed down my bowels... I couldn't ask for permission to "go", both because they wouldn't let me, and because I didn't want to waste time.

At first I started to sweat a bit, but then the pain was gone. At least for a while. I wrote some things for all the questions but I couldn't come to a clear answer in most of them... Because there was a FUCKING flood of diarrhea insisting to come out! It was five minutes until the end of the exam, and I couldn't take the pain anymore... I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet. She told me that she would let me only if I handed my sheet. And so I did, inevitably.

As soon as I got out of the class, I stormed to the toilet faster than a speeding bullet. First I closed the door, then ran to the first stall I saw. It didn't have a toilet seat... Without any thinking, I entered the second one (with a toilet seat), and the moment my butt touched the cold toilet, I released all of it. Another second and I would have crapped my pants, I swear.

The bell rang when my "job" was done. I reached for the toilet paper box, and guess what... THERE WAS NO FUCKING TOILET PAPER INSIDE. Two guys entered the toilet in the mean time, and I heard one of them say "Eeeewww, this place smells FAINTLY of shit." while entering the stall next to me. I stood up, inevitably without wiping my butt, and went into the other stall. Thankfully there was toilet paper inside.

As soon as I got out of the toilet, I heard everybody talk about how bad their exam went. Later that day I learned that I scored %27, while the highest score in the class was probably something around %50... I was excepting such a bad mark, but you know, this comes as a shock. After all that studying...
My first exam score was %75, I hope I'll do better next time.

Worst of all... 27 isn't actually the score that I deserve. My real score is 17, because one of the questions were cancelled as they were mistaken, so they just handed 10 points to everybody.

TL ; DR? I got a shitty score from the maths exam just because of my god damn bodily functions... And a bit of not studying, actually.


ok did you have to talk about diarrhea MOTHER FUCKING DIARRHEA!!!!!!!

I didn't enjoy talking about it either but it played a key role in the story.

Why does everyone say "Maths"? Here in America we say "Math".

And that REALLY sucks. I can't believe they don't let you go to the bathroom. You should have just said, "It's reeeeeally important that I go shit right now."

If you have a good rep with the teachers, they should let you go... :(

Technically it's "Mathematics" so I think it should be "Maths". As for the rep thing, I do, but you know, they want to behave equally to everybody, which I think is the right thing.

ugh, that fucking sucks...l hope that it never happens to me...

I hope it doesn't. :(

They dont let you use the bathroom dureing exams!?
That's, that's....
Downright barbaric! D: